- Source code Fast Fourier Transform - FFT by C# and detect pitch of wav.
- 吉他调弦,相当于ap guitar tuner-This article shows how to use a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm to calculate the fundamental frequency of a captured audio sound. Also, we will see how to apply the algorithm to analyze live sound to build a simple guit
- Based ON MS speach API,实时显示出来波形,FFT变换,,IFFT变换波形,支持从文件播放,基音分析,滤波,支持远程控制。欢迎大家改进! -Based ON MS speach API, real-time display of waveform, FFT, IFFT transform the waveform to support playback from a file, the pitch analysis, filtering, support for remo
- FFT 基音检测程序,可运行完整工程,release文件夹下有可运行程序-FFT Pitch Detection ,you can use it directly,the Program can be run in release folder
- 包含飞行器飞行中的姿态控制,如侧滑角,倾斜角,滚转角,俯仰角,ofdm系统仿真 含16qam调制 fft 加窗 加cp等模块,可以动态调节运行环境的参数。- It comprises aircraft flight attitude control, such as slip angle, tilt angle, roll angle, pitch angle, ofdm system simulation including 16qam modulation fft windowing mod
- 借鉴了主成分分析算法(PCA),ofdm系统仿真 含16qam调制 fft 加窗 加cp等模块,包含飞行器飞行中的姿态控制,如侧滑角,倾斜角,滚转角,俯仰角。- It draws on principal component analysis algorithm (PCA), ofdm system simulation including 16qam modulation fft windowing modules plus cp, It comprises aircraft flight a
- pitch with arduino example implementacion