- This a simple genetic algorithm implementation where the evaluation function takes positive values only and the fitness of an individual is the same as the value of the objective function - This a simple genetic algorithm implementation where the
- This program runs a GA. The roulette wheel method for parent selection is used here. Elitism is included. Parent selection is from the population including the elite chromosomes. The standard bit form is used here. As usual, code works in
- 此程序通过遗传算法(GA)实现灰度图像的分割,遗传算法的计算过程首先是将实际的优化问题编码成符合串,也称码串、染色体。将实际问题的目标函数转变为染色体的适应函数,然后在随机产生的一批初始染色体的基础上,根据各染色体的适应函数值进行繁殖、交叉、变异等遗传操作产生下一代染色体。 -This procedure of genetic algorithm (GA) to achieve gray scale image segmentation, genetic process of the algor