- *短信 HTTP开发接口,发送号码用逗号分隔-sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms
- SMSLib - SMS Processing Libraries SMSLib is a Java library for sending and receiving SMS message via a GSM modem or mobile phone. SMSLib also supports some bulk SMS operators, by implementing their HTTP interfaces.-SMSLib is a Java library for sen
- Title: SMS Thru GSM Modem Descr iption: I wrote this program for testing my Wavecom Modem which was used to collect data for Power Meters. As doing this was fun, I thought that other having similar modems can use this code for sending and receiving
- sgip用HTTP类型的接口,可以直接通过这个程序直接发送联通的短信-sgip type using HTTP interface can be sent directly through this program Unicom SMS
- http通过Post方法传送xml文件,短信发送接口示例源码-http Post method to send xml file and send SMS interface
- 内含各种语言源代码实现短信功能。ASP使用HTTP调用实现短信发送与接收功能。ASP源码对接,ASP.NET / C# 等多种语言实现短信功能 可以快速与你的网站对接。实现短信功能应用-Contains various language source code SMS function. ASP uses HTTP calls, SMS send and receive function. The ASP source Butt ASP.NET/C# and other languages
- 如果只是正常接收邮件,可以忽略以下步骤。 如果想给网站安装免费的手机短信通知系统请看, 功能:安装此软件可以把网站用户留言内容直接发到网站管理员手机上!怎么样? 说一下简单的操作流程,首先你要有手机 打开Mail.php 发送邮件的那些信息改成自己的信息,本人测试的是QQ邮箱一切正常!,可能部分QQ号没开启smtp发送功能,需要手动开启 看最下面 smtp_mail( 18767811446@139.com 把这里面的18767811446@139.com 改成你自
- 与联通公司短信接口程序源码,http接口方式的- Unicom SMS interface program with source code, http interface mode
- Title: NOKIA SMS Messenger v1.0 Descr iption: Send an SMS message your Desktop using NOKIA Handset connected via DAU-9P(FBUS) cable. This module lets you to send Flash SMS, Blinking SMS & Normal SMS. For Blinking SMS in the text area add | (Shift \
- 购置短信猫,但短信猫价格不菲外加接入的技术必须很高,所以综合考虑之下,在网上找到一家较有实力的短信公司,他们提供的接口很多类型,有http/dll/webservice等。(The purchase of SMS cat, but the cat SMS expensive external access technology must be very high, so under the comprehensive consideration, to find a more powerful
- Get weather data, but this is a sad urge to use the weather interface provided by Google. The reason that I can't get the data normally within my range is that you know that the body is for reference only. The technology used is a little more than th
- 应用地址,类似于http://ip:port/msg/,短信下发配置化,验证码下发(Application address, similar to http://ip:port/msg/, SMS configuration, verification code)