- BugScam is a collection of scr ipts for the commercial debugger IDA Pro (http://www.datarescue.com) that will scan a given binary for problematic uses of certain library functions (e.g. strcpy etc) and generate a nice output file (HTML so far,
- IDA Stealth is a plugin which aims to hide the IDA debugger from most common anti-debugging techniques. The plugin is composed of two files, the plugin itself and a dll which is injected into the debuggee as soon as the debugger attaches to the proce
- IDA Inject plugin This plugin allows you to inject dlls into a debugged process, either prior to process creation or when the debugger is attached. The injected dll can then do some fancy stuff inside the debugged process. To realize dll injectio
- ida pin tracer。 ida pro 调试跟踪工具,pintool方式实现。-This is a PIN tool that is used to connect IDA Pro debugger and PIN. IDA can use PIN to instrument a binary file, trace it, and even debug it. Breakpoints can be added to the target process, it can be
- 电脑重启后,FTP服务器就开始运行了,但还要进行一些设置。点击“开始→所有程序→管理工具→Internet信息服务”,进入“Internet信息服务”窗口后,找到“默认FTP站点”,右击鼠标,在弹出的右键菜单中选择“属性”。在“属性”中,我们可以设置FTP服务器的名称-An integrated disassembler/debugger combination such as IDA should be a pretty powerful tool for manipulating binar
- This a PIN tool that is used to connect IDA Pro debugger and PIN.-This is a PIN tool that is used to connect IDA Pro debugger and PIN.