- Usb asp MKII Frimware and driver
- VBscr ipt SMTP relay to remote website. Uses VBscr ipt, Classic ASP, Winsock, and MS XMLHTTP. Useful if ISP blocks port 25 and their SMTP server is always down. Set the email client SMTP server to your local IP, run this scr ipt, and when you send an
- 该ISP编程器采用ATMEGA8_DIP28作为主控制芯片,预留MOSI,MISO,RET,SCK,VCC,GND。6PIN接口,方便使用者根据需要连接目标板。 同时预留PROGRAMMING编程接口,用户可自行升级下载器固件。(The ISP programmer uses ATMEGA8_DIP28 as the master control chip, reserved for MOSI, MISO, RET, SCK, VCC, GND. 6PIN interface to fac