- 0. Install the rp-pppoe-software -------------------------------- You should have already done this by the time you re reading this. If not, go back and read README. 1. Set up your Ethernet hardware --------------------------------
- LS by Cao Siqin, 2007.7.17 ls [-l/-w/-s][-d/-f][-acpo!?] [path or file name mask1] [mask2 ...] Options: -? : display this help -l : list details -a : list all files -w/s : list in a line, file names are sepatated by tab -p : file n
- KmdTut是一份以Win32汇编语言来开发Kernel mode驱动程序的教程,读者可以从http://www.freewebs.com/four-f/下载最新的英文版本,为了使用本教程,你还需要下载Kernel mode驱动程序开发包KmdKit,更多信息请参考http://www.wasm.ru/(很不幸,是俄文的,倒ing~~~) 0.2 关于KmdKit KmdKit的全称是Kernel Mode Driver development Kit for assem
- 特征分解型求取离散分数阶傅里叶变换 特征分解算法通过求DFT的核矩阵F(k,n)的特征值 和特征向量构造DFT核矩阵的分数幂,以此作为Fa(k,n) 来计算DFrFT。(The kernel matrix eigenvalue decomposition algorithm for DFT F (k, n) characteristic value And the feature vectors are constructed as the fractional powers of the DF
- These files are matlab source code for price forecasting for smart meter hourly data. Step 1 relevant features are selected by Gray Correlation, Random Forest, Relief F algorithms. Then Kernel PCA of features are calculated. Price is predicted by Ker