- LinProg.NET is a framework for mathematical programming implemented on .NET platform. This framework is supporting linear, integer, boolean and quadratic programming. Framework is written on Microsoft .NET version 2.0.
- 整数规划分支定界算法matlab通用源程序 各参数的意义同matlab优化工具箱的线性规划函数linprog -Integer_planning_brunch_and_bound_method
- linear programming .Good one for beginners
- 附件是一些参考文章,选一些能读懂的来学习。也可以自己上图书馆中国期刊全文数据库再下载相关的文献来看。准备下学期第三周写出开题报告。 要准备把其中doc文件的模型编程求解(可视化),需求数据当然可随意改变输入 -Integer programming branch and bound algorithm matlab source general meaning of each parameter with the matlab optimization toolbox of linear
- This function solves the mixed integer linear programming problems. It uses the linprog.m function that comes with the optimization toolbox of MATLAB. It employs the branch and bound algorithm. It uses depth first search.
- 数学规划 lp - 线性规划 linprog - 线性规划(在MATLAB5.3使用) fmin - 一元函数极值 fminu - 多元函数极值拟牛顿法 fmins - 多元函数极值单纯形搜索法 constr - 非线性规划 fmincon - 非线性规划(在MATLAB5.3使用)- Mathematical Programming lp- Linear Programming linprog- linear programming (in M
第一章 线性规划
- 采用Matlab中 linprog函数来求解线性规划问题,使用matlab自带函数,提高了计算效率。(The LINprog function in Matlab is used to solve the linear programming problem, and its own function in Matlab is used to improve the calculation efficiency.)