This module implements a Linux character-mode device-driver
for the processor s installed physical memory. It utilizes
the kernel s kmap() function, as a uniform way to provide
access to all the memory-zones (including the "high memory"
on s
本书内容:内存管理,包括文件缓冲,进程交换和直接内存访问(DMA;虚拟文件系统层和第二和第三的扩展文件系统;;进程创建和调度;信号,中断和设备驱动程序的基本接口等-Understanding the Linux Kernel will acquaint you with all the inner workings of Linux, but it s more than just an academic exercise. You ll learn what conditions bring
VNC dLL 版本 可用于单个dll调用 无需二次开发(VNC DLL vERSION
In most linux environments users can access the memory of processes, this allows attackers to harvest credentials, private keys, or anything that isnt suppose to be seen but is being processed by a program