- This package contains the MATLAB code for the algorithm proposed in the following papers. The file \"mimo_main.m\" is the implementation of the algorithm in the papers. The goal of this Matlab scr ipt is to identify a MIMO system with white input
- his little function rounds a number (or the elements of a vector ot matrix) towards the nearest number with N significant digits. Examples: roundsd(0.012345,3) returns 0.0123 roundsd(12345,2) returns 12000 This is a useful complement
- 关于无线传感器网络的路由算法研究,在能量均衡上的经典LEACH算法,用matlab进行的仿真,能够实现!-Abstract: The distributed wireless sensor net work and the technol ogy of wireless communicati on could realize the subsidence monit oring and measuring in coalmine goaf . One of the i mportant r
- Several matlab Mfiles for the simulation of stochastic processes in finance and engineering, wienner, random walk, brownian motion, two gamble etc. in addition ot solution to forward and backward Chapmann-Kolmogorov equation-Several matlab Mfiles for