- This option will generate an m-file named "file.m". The m-file is the GUI executable that will use the FIG file. This option does not use text layout mode. The only difference between the m-file produced by GUIDE is that all the callbacks wi
- function varargout = GUI_FILTER(varargin) GUI_FILTER M-file for GUI_FILTER.fig GUI_FILTER, by itself, creates a new GUI_FILTER or raises the existing singleton*. H = GUI_FILTER returns the handle to a new GUI_FILTER or the handle to th
- 解压后将myfiest.fig,myfirst.m,Run_Draw.m放在同一个目录下,用matlab打开即可学习。 其中myfiest.fig是设计的GUI图形界面,myfirst.m是该图像界面的m文件,Run_Draw.m是该源文件中用到的一个绘图函数。 myfirst.m中给出了详细的注释,利用此例子可以快速入门matlabGUI编程。 有任何问题请联系:peiwt@126.com-After decompression myfiest.fig, myfi
- 几个利用uicontrol进行gui编程的matlab脚本文件:生成菜单修改fig颜色-A few of the GUI programming by using the uicontrol matlab scr ipt file: modified FIG color generated menu
- A few of the GUI programming by using the uicontrol matlab scr ipt file: modified FIG color generated menu
- FIG simulation speed, distance, amplitude three-dimensional image, Iterative self-organizing data analysis, Based on matlab GUI interface design.
- Use serial programming examples matlab GUI implementation, FIG simulation speed, distance, amplitude three-dimensional image, Fractional Fourier transform computing.