- 设有离散无记忆信源X,P(X).二进制费诺编码为:1.将信源符号按概率从大到小的顺序排列2.将信源分成两组――按两组概率之差为最小分.3.上面一组编码为0,下面一组编码为1,一直分到一组只有一个信源为止.4.将一个信源分组得到的0和1全部连接起来,组成该信源的码字,信源即得到自己的费诺编码.-There be no X remembering the message source in case that having being scattered, binary Feinuo of P (X
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- matlab code for watermarking the image with 8 bit message using 8 different images
- 1、输入一个百分制成绩,要求输出成绩等级A,B,C,D,E。其中90分~100分为A,80分~89分为B,70分~79分为C,60分~69分为D,60分以下为E。 要求: (1)分别用if语句和switch语句实现。 (2)输入百分制成绩后要判断该成绩的合理性,对不合理的成绩应输出出错信息。 编写求解程序,存为m脚本文件。 -1. Enter a percentile score, the required output grades A, B, C, D, E. 90 mi
- Matlab program for message callback which can work on windows or on others exploitation system
- [矩阵实验室].Mathwork.Matlab.R2015a_x64(8.5)(At Windows with Microsoft Visual C++ you can just execute "make.bat" command. If error message is printed that "nmake" or "cl" command is not recognized, then MS Visual Studio en
example CDMA
- This code show a example of a simple CDMA protocol, you cand send a message in bits, with a certain key and see the codification and decodification in the matlab command promt.
- 绘制IQA方法延误,交叉口感应控制,路径诱导控制,变信息板功能,感应 停车案例(Draw IQA method, delay, intersection induction control, path guidance control, variable message board function, induction parking case)
- 部分信号处理Matlab程序,如有更多需要请留言(Part of the signal processing Matlab program, if there is more need to leave a message)