- BMyCrust take as input a 3D scatter points cloud and return a tight, manifold, triangulation. Remember that crust algorithm needs a cloud representing a volume, so open surface may give inaccurate results. For example : a plane can not be triang
- 通信系统与仿真作业: 1)设计π/4-DPSK或16-QAM调制器仿真程序, 画出时域波形、 正交分量、同相分量波形,眼图,散点图等。 2)利用MATLAB进行DPSK在高斯信道下的BER性能仿真,并将结果与PSK性能进行比较。 3)已知 OFDM的数据传输速率为19.2Kbps, OFDM 符号长度为320,保护间隔为32点,子载波数为128,IFFT/FFT点数为256,载波频率320KHz,调制方案采用QPSK,仿真其在高斯信道下的BER性能。 -Communication
- 利用方位角,仰角和直线距离画三维散点图。通过转化来求解-Using azimuth, elevation and draw a straight line from the three-dimensional scatter plot,by converting to solve
- 画离散点与拟合曲线、还有多元线性拟合方程-Draw a scatter diagram and the fitting curve, and multiple linear regression
3d_graphene scatter
- 这是用以计算石墨烯的电荷密度,基于的是drude modle。(graphene_sig based on MATLAB)
- This project is simulation of the MASK modulation in the MATLAB. this project has one file for Modulating some random number and one file for demodulating of the signal. just run the first code and after that run the second code. this code also has
- 求散点曲线斜率的matlab文件,可运行。(The matlab file of the slope of the scatter point curve can be run.)
- 用于生成泊松散点的算法,用matlab编写的,可以生成任意大小的散点图。(An algorithm for generating Poisson scatter points)
- 标准化数据,可以用来进行Bland-Altman and correlation 以及画图(This customizable data analysis tools generates a Bland-Altman and correlation scatter plot. Data can be displayed using color and shape coding of groups using a 2D or 3D matrix notation. Data points can