- TOYFDTD1 is a stripped-down minimalist, 3D FDTD code demonstrating the basic tasks in implementing a simple 3D FDTD simulation. An idealized rectangular waveguide is modeled by treating the interior of the mesh as free space and enforcing PEC conditi
- The mesh free collocation method has a long history of development and is simple to implement and computationally efficient. However, it is often found unstable and less accurate, especially for problems governed by partial differential equations wit
- 汽车加油行驶问题(习题3-16) 问题描述: 给定一个N*N 的方形网格,设其左上角为起点,坐标为(1,1),X 轴向右为正,Y 轴向下为正,每个方格边长为1。一辆汽车从起点出发驶向右下角终点,其坐标为(N,N)。 在若干个网格交叉点处,设置了油库,可供汽车在行驶途中加油。汽车在行驶过程中应遵守如下规则: (1)汽车只能沿网格边行驶,装满油后能行驶K 条网格边。出发时汽车已装满油,在起点与终点处不设油库。 (2)当汽车行驶经过一条网格边时,若其X 坐标或Y 坐标减小,则应付费
- 给定一个N*N 的方形网格,设其左上角为起点◎,坐标为(1,1),X轴向右为正,Y轴向下为正,每个方格边长为1。一辆汽车从起点◎出发驶向右下角终点▲,其坐标为(N,N)。在若干个网格交叉点处,设置了油库,可供汽车在行驶途中加油。汽车在行驶过程中应遵守如下规则: (1)汽车只能沿网格边行驶,装满油后能行驶K 条网格边。出发时汽车已装满油,在起点与终点处不设油库。 (2)当汽车行驶经过一条网格边时,若其X 坐标或Y 坐标减小,则应付费用B,否则免付费用。 (3)汽车在行驶过程中遇油库则应
- 无网格法移动最小二乘近似(MLS)型函数计算子程序 -Meshless method moving least square approximation (MLS) type function calculation subroutine
- 1) You have to generate a free mesh is generated with Ansys 2) GENERATE INPUTS FROM ANSYS a. From Ansys a list of nodes (file nlist.lis)has to be generated, id and position x,y z b. From Ansys a list of elements (file elist.lis) has to be gene
Meshfree Methods
- mesh free methods Book