- source code for a sample alarm control panel system using Freescale MC9S12DP256 . The project was implemented using ImageCraft s ICC12 compiler and tested under Metrowerks CodeWarrior, though it should be possible to build the project with any ot
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- praat语音信号处理软件的源程序,2009.6.28日最新版本,附带所需的quicktime sdk,Praat s source code,The code requires that your compiler supports C99。Open the project praat.mcp in Metrowerks CodeWarrior 9.0 or newer, and choose Make or Run. The project contains the targets praa
- * 工程名称:SmartCar * 功能描述:结合飞思卡尔16位单片机MC9S12DG128B完成小车自动寻迹,沿黑线行驶功能 * IDE环境: Metrowerks CodeWarrior 4.1 * 组成文件: * main.c * SmartCar.c/PID.c/LCD1620.c/Test.c -* Project Name: SmartCar* Functional Descr iption: combination of Freescale
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