- This programs is a sift algorithm sourcefile written by Visual Studio 2008. This is written by MFC. Simply, just compile and run to use.
- BCGSoft BCGControlBar Professional Full Source v10.0 零售版(Retail) BCGControlBar ("Business Components Gallery ControlBar") 是一个C++扩展库,可以用来创建类似Office 2000/XP和Visual Studio.NET的应用程序,可以实现完全定制功能(定制工具栏,菜单,键盘等等)。BCGControlBar库包含了超过100个C++扩展库文件,能够帮助用户将这些功能轻
- 在 Visual Studio 里,有一个很好用的东西,就是属性窗口 (Properties Window),源代码。-In Visual Studio, there is a good thing to use is the Properties window (Properties Window), the source code.
- 很經典的系統時間程式,以動態顯示目前的系統時間,學習擷取System timer的應用,以Visual Studio .NET 2003 MFC VC++為基礎編譯及驗證可用。-System timer example, dynamic display system timer, can study get system timer app.
- 在visaul studio 2008的MFC框架下,使用winpcap开发的局域网数据包捕获工具,能够捕获ip,tcp.udp数据包并解析数据所内容。还可以发送用户自定义的ARP数据包。-Visaul studio 2008 in the MFC framework, the development of local area network using WinPcap packet capture tool that can capture ip, tcp.udp packet and co
- BCGControlBar ("Business Components Gallery ControlBar") 是一个C++扩展库,可以用来创建类似Office 2000/XP和Visual Studio.NET的应用程序,可以实现完全定制功能(定制工具栏,菜单,键盘等等)。BCGControlBar库包含了超过100个C++扩展库文件,能够帮助用户将这些功能轻松地融合到程序中,节省宝贵的开发和测试时间。 MFC扩展库。允许你合并高级编辑控制到任意一个基于MFC(Microsoft Found
- C++ MFC 浮动窗口界面的一些功能, 就像visual studio 2005 上的浮动工具栏一样,很实用嗷-C++ MFC floating window interface features, like visual studio 2005 on the floating toolbar, the sound of wailing is very practical
- Extending Visual Studio 2008 MFC Property Grid with new property type, like datetime picker
- Vista操作系统下编写的一个音乐播放器,开发环境Visual Studio 2008 C++ ,基于MFC.实现了常用的音乐格式(mp3,wav,wma等),有列表框显示曲目列表,播放暂停,停止播放,音量大小控制,静音,托盘图标显示,托盘图标菜单,列表框伸缩等功能-Prepared under the Vista operating system, a music player, the development environment Visual Studio 2008 C++, based
- 这本书主要讲解WPF的基础知识,适合正在使用.NET技术设计UI的开发者(WINFROM MFC HTML)。-This book is designed to give you a working knowledge of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). The assumption is that the reader is already a .NET developer with some familiarity with other
- This program is a custromized Flat Combo Box control sample. This code is based Visual Studio 6.0 MFC. This code is easy to see.-This program is a custromized Flat Combo Box control sample. This code is based Visual Studio 6.0 MFC. This code
- This program is a custromized Font Combobox control sample. This code is based Visual Studio 6.0 MFC. This code is easy to see.-This program is a custromized Font Combobox control sample. This code is based Visual Studio 6.0 MFC. This code is
- 串口数据处理程序,能直接将数据写入文本 注:开发环境是Microsoft Visual Studio 2008-Serial data processing program that can write data directly to the text Note: The development environment is Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
- Advanced button MFC class with transparency Visual C++ 6, Studio 2005
- 1.在Microsoft Visual Studio 2008中创建MFC工程DataStructTest0303 2.通过读入文件的形式,读取写在TXT文本中的实数数据 3.用push将这些数值添加到队列和栈中 4.在DataStructTest0303View.cpp中判断是否是回文 5.输出结果 -1. In Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to create a MFC project DataStructTest0303 2. Throug
- 平台:Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 特点:MFC单文档应用、shape文件读取、等高线绘制-Platform: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Features: MFC single document application, shape file read, contour drawing
- 这是一个非常优秀的 MFC 扩展。对 VC 爱好者来说的确是一个绝好的界面扩展。(遗憾的是没有破解的新版) Xtreme Toolkit是一套MFC扩展类,用于开发应用程序界面。利用它,可以快速的开发出MS Office、Visual Studio和Internet Explorer、Outlook等图形用户界面(GUI),包括如的智能菜单、快捷工具条和挺靠窗口,支持XP界面风格。 -This is a very good MFC expansion. Lovers of VC is
- Frank Luna写的Integrating Direct3D 9.0 with MFC Using Visual Studio .Net (7.0)的源码,不需配置直接编译(vs 2008)运行(要装DirectX),不想编译的话直接运行Debug目录下的exe文件看结果。-Frank Luna wrote Integrating Direct3D 9.0 with MFC Using Visual Studio. Net (7.0) of the source, no configurat
- visual studio button style change of xp button style
- 创建一个基于对话框的 MFC 应用程序工程(Creating a dialog based MFC application project)