通过计算机串口收发短信。用WAVECOM和西门子 的GSM MODEM,西门子6688(普通手机+串口数据线),在WIN32系统(WIN98,WIN2000,WINXP)下通过测试。大负荷状态下收发非常稳定,通过了上万条短信的严格测试。其他使用标准AT命令集的手机或GSM MODEM也可使用。该控件内置*和定时发送,不支持广播。增加短信发送成功事件。GSM模块必须支持PDU格式短信。该控件支持中文,英文以及混合中英文短信,中文短信长度为上限70个中文英文字符(包括标点符号)。-computer
The Radio Interface Layer is the name for an interface that was developed especially for the Pocket PC Phone Edition. It is meant to abstract the interface with a phone/modem device. To achieve this it is closely modelled after the GSM AT command int
This software use a modem GSM Wavecom for send a SMS with a computer.
You can send the SMS at a list of contact.
It s supported the AT command
CSharp Command Line Program for Send SMS using PDU and AT Commands. It was tested with ZTE and HUAWEI USB GSM Modems. Notice that Modem is Enabled with AT+CFUN 1,0 command when program starts.