- 摘要:本文主要介绍利用Delphi6实现一个图形界面Ping程序的方法,其中主要讨论了ICMP协议和ICMP协议控件及其编程方法,并给出了一个实例程序。解决了Ping命令行程序的缺点。 关键词:Delphi,ICMP协议,Ping程序 -Abstract : This paper describes the use of Delphi6 achieve a graphical interface Ping procedures, the main discussion of ICMP a
- 以前帮某网吧写的,可以输入任意IP以/T形式PING,并回显内容到listBox里,加有停止功能。-Writing help某网吧ago, and can enter any IP to/T form of PING, to stop the function.
- ping服务器,不通就发短信通知,自定义服务器列表及发送对象-ping servers, access to send text messages to inform, custom list of servers and send the object
- 这是一个GNU开源软件,用来监控服务器主机的状态。打开程序读入任务列表,定时使用ping命令对每个主机进行网络连接状态检查,交将结果写入日志文件。你可以在此程序的基础上再时行二次开发。 -This is a GNU open source software that is used to monitor the status of the host server. Open the program read into the task list, use the ping command f
- 实现了基本的Ping命令,利用ICMP协议-Ping the realization of the basic commands, using ICMP protocol
- 一款用Delphi开发的Windows界面的Ping工具.-Delphi developed a with the Ping tool for Windows interface.
- Delphi實現 網路 Ping操作編程-Delphi programming operation to achieve network Ping
- 一个用Delphi实现的使用视屏服务器厂家提供的SDK进行开发的显示指定IP的服务器的视屏,此程序正常工作,需要有视屏服务器,摄像机等-Achieved with the use of a Delphi Shiping server provided by the SDK for development manufacturers display the specified IP of the server screen, and this process work, the need for
- Delphi编程窗口化PING命令经典代码Delphi programming code window of the PING command Classic -Delphi programming code window of the PING command Classic
- 在DOS方式,我们利用Ping命令可以方便的知道网络连接状态,检测网址IP等,这里我们在Windows下实现同样的功能-In DOS mode, we use the Ping command can easily know the network connection status, IP address detection and so on, here we perform the same function under Windows
- DELPHI系统界面PING设计代码DELPHI system interface design code PING -DELPHI system interface design code PING
- delphi实现ping ping成功返回 true 不成功返回 false 在win7下测试正常 可以测试固定的ip或网络是否通-delphi ping ping successful return true unsuccessful return false tests are normal in win7 can test whether fixed ip or network pass
- Delphi源码,界面编程,Ping Delphi窗口化Ping操作,与系统的CMD Ping的功能是一样的,只不过实现了窗口化,Delphi7源代码实现,欢迎初学者参考。 -Delphi source code, programming interface, CMD Ping, Ping Delphi window of Ping operating system functionality is the same, but to achieve a window Delphi7
- Simple program for delay (sleep) outputing dots as progress information. Useful since windows xp does not include such program, and alternatives not always work ("ping -n 5" can fail) Delphi source and exe included.
- Commandline program for doing ping on specified hostname or IP address. Ouput is done specially coded to be in single line spaced in columns - allowing easy parsing of log file when doing ping for a list of hosts. Delphi Source code and progra
- Delphi创建可视化的PING命令窗口