使用vc++实现ICP配准算法,编译成动态链接库,通过调用CallICP函数可以实现两组点云之间的配准-Using vc++ to achieve ICP registration algorithm, compiled into a dynamic link library, by calling CallICP function can be achieved between the two sets of point cloud registration
pointcloud库作ransac,模型为体或平面-use point cloud library to implement ransac
PCL点云库一书中的第八章例子代码以及结果图-the code and some examples in chapter 8 of point cloud library
利用PCL点云库,将点云txt文件转换为适合pcl处理的pcd文件,并且可以将pcb文件中的点云进行显示。-Using point cloud library, converting point cloud TXT file for photo processing PCD file, and the point cloud of PCB file can be displayed.
基于MFC的点云库PCL的应用开发方式,本例是利用Visual Studio 2013, 在64位Win7下开发的,其它环境只要参开其中的View类中的代码即可。 -Cloud Point library-PCL Application with MFC. It was developed with Visual C++ 2103 under WIn7 64bit. Other environment can just reference to the code n view class.
基于点云库PCL的提取多种特征描述子的方法,本例是利用Visual Studio 2013,PCL1.7.2 在64位Win7下开发的-Based on the extracted feature point cloud library PCL descr iption method, in this case is the use of Visual Studio 2013, PCL1.72 developed under the 32-bit Win7
点云库检测代码,主要是为了检测点云库是否安装成功-Point Cloud Library detection code, mainly in order to detect the point cloud library is installed successfully
该工程基于pcl库,能够实现点云中harris3D角点的检测,(This project is based on PCL library, and can realize the detection of harris3D corner in point cloud,)
PCL点云库中的pcd数据文件,对三维建模很有用处(PCD data file in PCL point cloud library is very useful for 3D modeling)
PCL,Point Cloud Library,介绍PCL基本功能,3D点云数据处理(PCL,Point Cloud Library,basic funcyion of introduction of PCL)
基于PCL利用贪婪投影算法实现一个点云数据的网格化(Matching and triangulation of point cloud data by using PCL point cloud Library)
The Point Cloud Library (PCL) is a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing.
PCL is released under the terms of the BSD license, and thus free for commercial and research use. We are financially supported by
3D点云重建 3D点云重建Berkeley SfM is a structure from motion library created to explore new solutions to challenging 3D reconstruction problems (large scale, indoors, incremental, homogeneously textured, etc.). It is developed by(Structrue From Motion for