- M24LR64 EEPROM (64K bits) 意法半导体的M24LR64 EEPROM存储器集成标准的数字I2C和被动式射频(ISO 15693)接口。 在射频模式下,存储器无需电能即可从系统采集能量和数据, 从而节省电路板的功率损耗, 用户可随时随地以轻松简便的方式远程设定或更新电子产品。 -M24LR64 EEPROM (64K bits) STMicroelectronics M24LR64 EEPROM memory integrated standard digi
- 电力系统潮流追踪程序 明确了在采用有功 /无功解耦追踪的方式下 ,由于有功或无功有向图不能同时提供用于损耗分摊的有功和无功功率分布信息 -Power Flow tracking program identified in the use of active/reactive decoupling tracking mode, active or reactive power as a directed graph can not provide for loss sharing active a
- 光纤功率损失及计算,Power Budget,光功率需求计算范例-Optical power loss and calculation, Power Budget, optical power demand computing paradigm
- 内点法最优潮流程序 实现了有功损耗最小的经济分配。 本程序用ieee14节点网络测试-Interior point method OPF program to achieve the minimum power loss of economic distribution. The program ieee14 node network test
- Calculated power flow of Newton-Raphson method with considering power lo-Calculated power flow of Newton-Raphson method with considering power loss
- 利用matlab自带的函数fmincon函数求解IEEE30节点的网络损耗,可以运行-Matlab function fmincon function comes solving IEEE30 loss of nodes in the network, you can run
- active power loss minimization and voltage profile improvement using dg
- 本程序的功能:在直角坐标系中,运用牛顿---拉夫逊法求解一般的潮流问题, 形成节点导纳矩阵、雅克比矩阵来建立修正方程,求解偏移量和电压新值, 进而求解电流、相角和输入功率、输出功率以及线路功率及其损耗问题。-This program features: In the Cartesian coordinate system, using Newton--- Raphson method for solving general trend of the problem, the forma
- 光纤端面的辐射场,光纤与光纤的连接及其光功率损耗-Fiber end face of the radiation field, optical fiber and optical fiber connections and their optical power loss
- PQ分解法,最后输出节点电压,节点功率和节点电流还有网损-PQ decomposition method, the final output node voltage, current node as well as network and node power loss
- power loss calculation of SiC MOSFET in SPWM-power loss calculation of SiC MOSFET in SPWM
- ffect of UPFC Allocation on Transmission System Power Lo-ffect of UPFC Allocation on Transmission System Power Loss
- this file is about harmonic load flow in power distribution system, it calculates power loss and voltage magnitude of some harmonic at all buses of network.
- matlab中,计算基于二极管钳位型三电平逆变器的损耗计算。通过改变输入主电路参数,实现不同工况下的损耗计算。-matlab mfile,used to the power loss calculation of three level IGBT inverter bridge under different condition。
- 基于IGBT的T型三电平逆变器在不同工况下的损耗计算,改变输入参数,即可获得相应结果。-matlab mfile,used to the power loss calculation of T-type three level IGBT inverter bridge under different situation
hydro thermal unit no loss.m
- Consider unit 1 and unit 2 are thermal power plants and the third unit is hydro power plant, and neglect power loss.
- Consider unit 1 and unit 2 are thermal power plants and the third unit is hydro power plant, and considering power loss.
thermal no loss
- Consider all the units (4, 5, 6) are thermal power plants and neglect power loss.
thermal with loss
- Consider unit 1 and unit 2 are thermal power plants and the third unit is hydro power plant, and consider power loss. Note: Regarding the transmission loss consider quadratic function taking the generating values as variable
- 前推回代法已知配电网的始端电压和末端负荷,以馈线为基本计算单位。 最初假设全网电压都为额定电压,根据负荷功率由末端j向始端k逐段推算,仅计算各元件中的功率损耗而不计算节点电压,求得各支路上的电流和功率损耗,并据此获得始端功率,这是回代过程。 再根据给定的始端电压和求得的始端功率,由始端向末端逐段推算电压降落,求得各节点电压,这是前推过程。如此重复上述过程,直至各个节点的功率偏差满足允许条件为止。(The forward and backward substitution method