soundcard for drm
- 数字调幅广播digital radio mondiale对pc声卡的驱动-digital AM broadcasting digital radio mondiale right pc sound card driver
- Answer Machine 演示程序 在这个程序代码中,有几个解决我们问题所需要的类,而且作者将这些类封装的很好,我们基本不需要做什么改动,只需要屏蔽其中的调试信息的输出就行了,更可贵的是它还封装了几种常见的音频格式。其中的GSM格式(Global System for Mobile Telecommunications)就是我们下面例子中采用的压缩格式,GSM格式可以将128kbps 的音频数据流 (16bit通过8k Hz的音频采样) 压缩为13kbps 的音频数据流,非常适合语音信号
- 声音控制,用于车在多媒体开发上。可以控制声音的而大小!-contral sound! the useness is in the radio of the car,it can adjust the sound of the radio
- FM broadcasting is a broadcasting technology pioneered by Edwin Howard Armstrong which uses frequency modulation (FM) to provide high-fidelity sound over broadcast radio. The term "FM band" describes the "frequency band in which FM is used for broadc
- 这套源码使用织梦dede内核开发,界面和功能上具备了邻居的耳朵官网应有的各种功能,如果你也想通过声音为这个互联网增添几份自己的色彩,那么这套程序将是你开启互联网声音之旅的一个不错选择。源码使用比较简单,下载以后在压缩包的根目录中又一个使用说明的txt文档,按照文本说明一步一步操作即可,没有什么难度的,因为织梦dede是安装使用的,所以管理员账号密码都是在你自己安装的过程中自己创建,自己牢记便是,织梦默认的管理后台地址都是/dede/,如果是正式使用,建议修改一些dede这个文件夹名称,以免泄露后
- radio_sound for atmospheric correction
- use radio sound data for analysis
SoundFX Player2.1
- SoundFX Player2.1 The program is used to play sound effects (Sound Effect) such as applause, siren, music, rhythm. And other sounds The MP3 file is suitable for use in festivals and general events. Including recreational use. To enhance color and en
- 基于gnuradio和usrp n210的收音机,通过usrp n210接收无线电信号,经电脑处理后通过声卡播放电台(The radio based on gnuradio and USRP N210 receives the radio signal through USRP N210, and broadcasts the radio through the sound card after the computer processing)