Sequence Randomizing
- 用VC实现随机打乱一个大数组,随机输出数组的各个元素,可以用来实现一帧图象输出均匀化-with VC random disrupted a large array output random elements of the array can be used to achieve a uniform image output
- 信号经过两个独立的信道传输,两个信道的信道复增益分别为 和 。 是独立同分布的复高斯随机变量,实部虚部独立、均值为0,实部虚部的方差都是1。采用某分集技术后输出的信噪比为 ,其中 是常数, 是在 之间均匀分布的随机变量。请就不同的 、 ,用仿真的方法画出 的累积分布函数。-signal after two independent Channel Tunnel, Channel 2 Channel Minute respectively, and gain. Independence is the
- 用来产生均匀分布或高斯分布的伪随机数 (近似白噪声),它们可具有不同的均值和方差。用REMEZ算法求交错点组。用Cholesky分解求ARMA模型的参数并作谱估计。求MA模型的参数 并估计功率谱。 用最小方差法估计序列 的功率谱。-used to produce uniform or Gaussian distribution of the pseudo-random number (similar to white noise). They may have a different mean
- MATLAB通信系统随机数产生mfiles,均匀、瑞利、高斯随机数发生器-Communication systems random number generator MATLAB mfiles, uniform, Rayleigh, Gaussian random number generator
- 一个可以产生均匀随机序列和高斯序列的程序,结果输出至文件,同时高斯序列输出概率分布统计文件,最方便的出图方法是用EXCEL-Can generate a uniform random sequences and sequences of Gaussian process, the resulting output to a file, while the output Gaussian probability distribution sequence statistics file, the
- 产生均匀分布、正态分布、瑞利分布、泊松分布这几种分布的随机数,包括实现各部分的子函数和主函数-Produce uniform distribution, normal distribution, Rayleigh distribution, Poisson distribution random number distribution of these types, including the realization of the various parts of the Functions a
- (0,1)均匀随机数产生源程序 基于基于贝斯-德拉姆洗牌技术的组合方法-(0,1) uniform random number generator based on source-based bass- a combination of technologies Durham shuffle method
- 单频信号经过多径时变信道后,输出信号的包络随时间随机起伏,输出信号的频谱从冲激谱变成一个窄带频谱。径数位20,变化频率从0—2HZ随机均匀抽取。-Single-frequency signal through time-varying multipath channel, the output signal envelope random fluctuations over time, the output signal from the impulse of the spectrum into
- "WH Random Gen.rar" is uniform and gaussian random number generator based on the Wichmann-Hill number generator.
- 生成均匀随机分布数据点集的程序。Fortran90编程。 The program allows the user to choose: M, the spatial dimension N, the number of points to generate SEED, the initial seed value. Once these parameters are set, the program generates the data, and writes
- random point by uniform and learan linear close to the point.
- C语言实现的随机数产生方法,对一些需要产生随机种子的程序有帮助。主要是包括均匀分布、高斯分布随机数的产生。-C language implementation of the random number generator means, for some procedures need to generate random seeds help. Mainly include the uniform distribution, Gaussian distribution generation.
- matlab中的傅里叶变换,线性卷积,循环卷积,在基带等效信号加高斯白噪声信道模型下,BPSK,QPSK,QAM等调制解调的误码率计算。-Do not call any function in the case, resulting in [0,1]uniform distribution of interval random variable matlab program.
- 基于vc++ 产生0-1均匀分布随机数,高斯分布随机数,泊松分布随机数等。-vc++ generate random possion distributed and gaoss distributed and uniform distributed
- 几种常用分布(如泊松分布、正态分布、指数分布、均匀分布)随机变量的matlab实现方法。-Surement distribution (eg Poisson distribution, normal distribution, exponential distribution, uniform distribution) random variable matlab implementation methods.
- 在matlab下运行,产生标准均匀分布,正态分布和指数分布的随机数发生器程序。-In matlab running, generate standard uniform, normal and exponential distribution random number generator program.
- uniform.h,用于产生均匀分布的随机数。-Generate random numbers uniformly distributed.
- 球面上的均匀分布模拟,用于模拟球面上的均匀随机点-Evenly distributed simulation sphere, for uniform random point simulation sphere
- 多种方法实现各(均匀分布,高斯分布,指数分布,瑞利分布等)分布的随机数产生-A variety of methods to realize the (uniform distribution, gaussian distribution, exponential distribution and Rayleigh distribution, etc.) of random number is generated
Mean of Random Uniform data
- BeamScan Array for Matlab coding