- Lua 是一个小巧的脚本语言。是巴西里约热内卢天主教大学(Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro)里的一个研究小组,由Roberto Ierusalimschy、Waldemar Celes 和 Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo所组成并于1993年开发。 其设计目的是为了嵌入应用程序中,从而为应用程序提供灵活的扩展和定制功能。Lua由标准C编写而成,几乎在所有操作系统和平台上都可以编译,运行。Lua并没有提供强大的库
- CRO is new series of distributed DAQ card manufactured by ni company.
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User Guide And Specifications Ni MyRio-1900
- The National Instruments myRIO-1900 is a portable reconfigurable I/O (RIO) device that students can use to design control, robotics, and mechatronics systems. This document contains pinouts, connectivity information, dimensions, mounting instructio
AoA Detection using MUSIC USRP RIO
- Now we have 301 source codes and documents,258 directories
- Toggle switch for Delphi Rio
- # CRDSA 一种基于Matlab实现的争用分辨率分集开槽的Aloha MAC层 争用分集开槽ALOHA (CRDSA):一种增强的随机访问方案 适用于卫星接达分组网络;恩里科·卡西尼、里卡多·德高顿齐和奥斯卡·德尔·巴布0·埃雷罗; IEEE无线通信学报,第6卷,第4期,2007年4月(# CRDSA A Matlab implementation of the Contention Resolution Diversity Slotted Aloha MAC layer C
Almdev StyleControls 4.51_Full Source
- StyleControls is intended for use with: Delphi XE2-XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio (32-bit + 64-bit) C++Builder XE2-XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio (32-bit + 64-bit) StyleControls is a stable, powerful package (
- Delphi7下的著名网络控件 ICS - Internet Component Suite V8 - Delphi 7 to RAD Studio 10.3 Rio (Aka FPIETTE's Components) Revised: November 2, 2018 Release: V8.58 http://www.overbyte.be/ http://wiki.overbyte.be/ http://www.overbyte.eu/ http://wiki.overb