- This project demonstrates OFDM with adaptive modulation applied to Multiple-Input Multiple- Output (MIMO) systems. The analysis and simulation is considered in two stages. The rst stage involves the application of a variable-rate variable
- 含异步清0和同步时钟使能的4位加法计数器 含计数使能,异步复位和计数值并行预置功能4位加法计数器,由实验图1所示,图中间是4位锁存器 rst是异步清信号,高电平有效 clk是锁存信号 D[3..0]是4位数据输入端.当ENA为 1 时,多路选择器将加1器的输出值加载于锁存器的数据端 当ENA为 0 时将\"0000\"加载于锁存器.
- Sicily上的1002题,主要是为一些初学者设计的-Problem Given a sequence of consecutive integers n,n+1,n+2,...,m, an anti-prime sequence is a rearrangement of these integers so that each adjacent pair of integers sums to a composite (non-prime) number. For example, if
- Apriori is a seminal algorithm for fi nding frequent itemsets using candidate generation [1]. It is characterized as a level-wise complete search algorithm using anti-monotonicity of itemsets, “if an itemset is not frequent, any of its super
- Please read this document before attempting to compile and run the libraries and applications! The projects must be compiled in a particular order. Standard support questions are about compiler and/or linker errors that are generated when users t
- 秒表 秒表的设计要有三个输入端:runstop,rst和clk.-clock
- 一個簡易的BCB RS232 串口輸出腳控制例程,可控制DTR及RST腳。-A simple BCB RS232 serial output pins control routines, can control the DTR and the RST pin.
- It is written in C programming language. Problem: Building and simulating a Least-Slack-Time scheduler using linked list and stack data structures Descr iption: In time shared systems, tasks submitted to the system are assigned to a limited num
- 随机生成160位01序列模拟TCP报文首部 16位源端口,16位目的端口,32位序号,32位确认序号,4位首部长度都转化成相应的十进制显示,6位保留位,URG,ACK,PSH,RST,SYN,FIN 均为1位二进制, 16位窗口,16位紧急指针,16位校验和均用二进制显示-01 160 randomly generated sequence of TCP packets simulated first 16-bit source port, destination port 16-bit
- 本实验要求建造一个没有虚拟功能的内存管理系统。任务如下: ?设计一个内存管理器,支持至少两种分配策略, 如 ?rst-?t,Best-?t ?对不同分配策略的性能进行评估。-In this study, no virtual functions required to build a memory management system. The following tasks: ? Design of a memory manager that supports at least
- Log-domain fi lters are an intriguing form of externally linear, internally nonlinear current-mode circuits, in which a compression stage is fi rst used to convert the input currents to the logarithmic domain, then analogue processing i
- 从DS1302独处一个字节数据(没有RST操作)-A byte of data from the DS1302 alone (no RST operation)
- Usually, speaker recognition systems do not take into account the short–term dependence between the vocal source and the vocal tract. A feasibility study that retains this dependence is presented here. A model of joint probability functions of the pi
- My goal for Rails Recipes is toteach you how to make gr eat stuff with Rails and to do it right on your fi rst try.
- Identification des systémes dynamique lineaires , controle robuste , regulateur RST
- Clk为50MHz的时钟信号输入;rst为复位控制按键(低电平有效);en(0-2)通过三个按键分别控制3种状态(低电平有效)。 1. 当en(0)=`0`时,启动加法计数并将结果动态显示到两位数码管上,同时另外的两位数码管的6段以相反方向按顺序闪烁 2. 当en(1)=`0`时,启动减法计数并将结果动态显示到两位数码管上,同时另外的两位数码管的6段以相反方向按顺序闪烁,闪烁方向与加法的相反; 3. 当en(2)=`0`时,启动LED闪烁功能,LED灯按顺序逐个流水闪动; 4.
- This reference system is made of replaceable modules and is written in C++. This paper describes this system and explains how to use it in practical to make an automatic 2D face recognition experiment. This paper is divided into four parts. In th
- This paper proposes an effective approach to the detection of small objects by employing watershed-based transformation. In our work, moving objects with small size and low contrast are fi rst detected from an image sequence which was captur
- 从DS1302独处一个字节数据(没有RST操作)-A byte of data from the DS1302 alone (no RST operation)
- doubly fed induction generato controled by RST