- 用VBscr ipt开发的侠盗飞车-圣安地列斯mod导入器,可以将保存在文本文档中的汽车参数导入到游戏中,非常方便-Developed with VBscr ipt Grand Theft Auto- San Andreas mod into devices that can be saved in a text document in the vehicle parameters into the game, a very convenient
- ZModeler (or Zanoza Modeler) is a 3D modeling application developed by Oleg Melashenko. It is aimed at modelers who model for computer games such as 18 Wheels of Steel, Need for Speed, Midtown Madness, FlatOut, GTA San Andreas, RFactor or similar vid
- 侠盗猎车手圣安地列斯的一个作弊器,主要是示范行程间消息通讯的API,您可以将您想用的作弊码作为SendGameCode的参数写入,运行游戏后启动它,5秒后有效(这其中不要按其他键),您还可以更好的修改!-Grand Theft Auto San Andreas cheat, message communication API between the demonstration trip, you can be you want to use the cheat as SendGameCode p
- This for GTA San Andreas. It let s you search the trunk of cars on the game, as if you were a police officer. Compile it using Sannybuilder.-This is for GTA San Andreas. It let s you search the trunk of cars on the game, as if you were a police offic
- GPS System for GTA San Andreas Multiplayer servers, both linux and windows.
- 这是圣安地列斯服务器里的传送脚本,很多腐竹都在找-The San Andreas server used to send, a lot of Yuba is looking for
- 圣安地列斯飞机真实降落,前轮先落地,自改版本v2(san andreas plane landling)
- 当你玩圣安地列斯是可能会用得上。收藏一下也是好的。(When you play the San Andreas is could use it. It's good to have a collection.)