- This project is to show the tree I dreamed when I first met the ternary tree concept. When I came upon the ternary tree, I get awed! It s amazing that an idea so simplistic could be so strong and fast. But it had flaws... the first one is the memory
- 创 建 H T M L 图 表 内 容 创 建 H T M L 图 表 内 容
- Maybe you already found out that the .Net CheckedListBox doesn t provide any data binding, though it seems to be eligible in cases where you have a many-to-many data relation with a relation table, e.g. a product can be part of multiple categories an
- 锁注册表的代码,我还没试过,有兴趣的朋友不妨载下来看看。-I haven t used the code of locking register table,if you have some interests you can download and have a try
- 1.在内存中开辟一个虚拟磁盘空间作为文件存储器,在其上实现一个简单的单用户文件系统。在退出这个简单的文件系统时,应将该虚拟文件系统保存到磁盘上,以便下次可以再将它恢复到内存的虚拟磁盘空间中。 2.文件存储空间的分配可采用显式链接分配或其他的办法。 3.空闲空间的管理可选择位示图或其他的办法。如果采用位示图来管理文件存储空间,并采用显示链接分配方式,那么可以将位示图合并到FAT表中。 4.文件目录结构采用多级目录结构。为了简单起见,可以不使用索引结点,其中的每个目录项应包含文件名、物理地址、长度等
- Drag and Drop Component Suite Version 4.1 Field test 5, released 16-dec-2001 ?1997-2001 Angus Johnson & Anders Melander http://www.melander.dk/delphi/dragdrop/ ------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: ----------------------
Backup and restore MySQL DBs within Visual Basic
- The purpouse of this module is to backup and restore mysql databases within a Visual Basic program. Please, don't vote for this one... It is a remake of http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scr ipts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=57138&lngWId=1 which inspi
- 这个程序可以监视当前系统的设备列表,监视那个设备被加载或卸载,并且,还可以启用、禁用系统设备类别中的任何一个设备节点。-Hardware Helper Library for C# How to monitor, enable, and disable hardware devices from C#. There isn t really a lot of background required for you to use the library I ve provided. The hea
- 绿色,不写注册表,单独文件(仅78KB) 可屏蔽一切系统热键包括Ctrl+Alt+Del/Win/Sleep/Power/屏保 支持时间密码 (管理员专用) 可自制logo和锁屏背景 替换logo将300*70名为logo.jpg的图片放到相同目录下即可 添加锁屏背景名为bg.jpg的图片放到相同目录下即可 支持命令方式运行,参数如下 /p 密码 /t 告示语句 /m 定时 如在服务器上让客机锁屏30分钟,可通过计费服务器远程命令执行 \\server\sof
- 九九乘法表: for (int a = 1 a <= 9 a++) { for (int b = 1 b <= a b++) { x=a*b labelShow.Text += a.ToString() + "X" + b.ToString() + "="+x.ToString()+" \t" }-Multiplication table
- JPEG 静态图像压缩 各文件功能说明如下: 1) JPEG压缩程序:gendat.exe 2) 为压缩后的数据加上JPEG文件头的程序genjpg.exe 3) 解JEPG压缩程序extrdat.exe 其中:(1)的输入参量是需要生成的压缩文件的名字。 主程序流程为: a) 程序初始化,读取文件名称、原始图像数据等基本数据; b) 从AC.TAB和DC.TAB两个文件生成AC表和DC表,存入数组 c) 以8×8为样本单位进行DCT变换 d) 以8×8为
- 计算Fisher的函数,根据Fisher可以计算出克罗美下界-Fisher s exact test is a statistical test used to determine if there are nonrandom associations between two categorical variables[1]. The job of Fisher s exact test with 2 x 2 or 2x 3 contingency table is alread
- Theory: NDFA: It is a mathematical model containing 5 tuples a) Q- finite non empty set elements of which are called as state. b) T- set of alphabets. c) δ- is a mapping function Q*{T {λ}}*2Q d) S-start state i.e. S ε Q e) F- F (su
- ASCII表查询文档,PDF版编程资料,本ASCII表查询手册列出了所有的ASCII字符及其数值。有些ASCII字符不能在计算机屏幕上显示出来,使用不同的字体可能会看到有些细微不同的结果。-ASCII table inquires the document, PDF version programming material, the ASCII table inquires the manual shown for all of the ASCII characters and its nume
- 求模n=43的最小原根,并建立其关于模43的指标表,将指标表写入g.txt中。-For die n = 43 minimum original root, and establish its mode of index about 43 list will be written in g.t xt index table.
- PB操作EXcle的介绍 如何用PB程序在excel画表格边框线,如何改变文字大小 1.创建Excel对象 eole=CREATEOBJECT(′Excel.application′) 2.添加新工作簿 eole.Workbooks.add 3.设置第3个工作表为激活工作表 eole.Worksheets(″sheet3″).Activate 4.打开指定工作簿 eole.Workbooks.Open(
- ** public domain code by Jerry Coffin, with improvements by HenkJan Wolthuis. ** Tested with Visual C 1.0 and Borland C 3.1. ** Compiles without warnings, and seems like it should be pretty ** portable. */ /* ** These are used in fr
- (1)在屏幕上按如下格式输出乘法口诀表: 1X1=1 1X2=2 2X2=4 1X3=3 2X3=6 3X3=9 … 其中,每行的多个乘法公式之间用‘\t’分割 (2)编写一个简单的猜数游戏程序: 利用Math.random()方法生成0-1之间的double型数dNum,将dNum转换为0-100之间的整数iNum。 利用KeyInput.readInt()方法接收键盘输入的整数inNum。如果inNum小于iNum,在屏幕上
- Il y a quelques temps, j avais publié sur le blog la technique de l IAT Hook qui permettait de détourner l appel d une fonction via la table d importation. Mais cela a ses limites: si vous posez un hook après que le programme ai récupéré l adresse
- This is my own in the process of learning VB program of a clock, don't know I can do