- 用DIRECT SHOW实现播放器,详细介绍,深入浅出,让你一看就懂,共同学习!-with DIRECT SHOW achieving players, detailed, easy to understand, let you see at a understands, and learn together!
- 大家好,好久没做什么东西了,前些日子偶然看到本论坛的一个FTP多线程断点续传的源代码,拿来研究了一下,相信有很多朋友也对此感兴趣。今天和大家一起讨论一下。 这个软件最大的遗憾就是是BCB的东西,而好多朋友用的是VC,我花了两天时间才把他完全弄成VC的版本,然后心血来潮,想自己编一个。于是规划了一下,先做界面,下载部分吗?打算用完成端口。这样在Windows下比较有效率。-you all a long time has not done anything, happened to see a
- 自动取款机的源程序,欢迎大家参阅,有问题一起学习啊-ATMs of the source, all are welcome to see if there are problems, learning together ah
- ASP.NET+c#做的双向探针,可以看服务器的相关信息,也可以看自己的信息,不需要做任何设置,上传后就可运行,如果使用国外空间请将web.config一起上传,否则可能会出现乱码.-do two-way probe, the server can see the relevant information, you can see their information and do not need to do any setup, and can upload operation, the us
- 数据结构算法N叉树二。大家可以看看,以并一起学习学习-data structure N-tree algorithm two. As we can see, to learn and study together
- 查看内存泄漏的类,使用方法: 把两个文件添加到工程里,在需要做检测的文件里加上#include "MemoryMgr.h" 如果是使用MFC的程序删掉#define new DEBUG_NEW一行,在MemoryMgr.cpp里最上边加上#include "stdafx.h"就可以了。结果会保存在MemoryLeakLog.txt里-See the class memory leaks, use the method: the two files added to the project,
- 功能强大的datagridview,希望大家一起来来看看,并把它修改的更加强大黑-Powerful datagridview, I hope that everyone together to see and to change it more powerful black
- 游泳个小程序合计可以看看尽量不要让站长把时间都花费在为您修正说明压缩包解-Swimming together a small program that enables website owners can see as far as possible not to spend the time you correct descr iption for the compressed package solution
- Blacklight is a UX focused code sharing project. Microsoft has released a bunch of technologies that allow designers and developers to work closely together to make beautiful software. This project is a collection of controls, samples, visual assets
- The last article I wrote introduced some of the basic concepts of the Visual Component Framework. Much of it dealt with some of the techniques I used to get things like the advanced RTTI features to work, as well as other features of the core of the
- 大家看看吧 挺好的 大家一起学习学习 一些好的资料-We see it in very good shape we will study together to learn some good information
- 作为一名电脑爱好者,平时看到一些有用的文章喜欢收集起来慢慢研究,主要收集了一些电脑故障、电脑技巧、网页制作的方法,稍加整理后做成了这本电子书。本人水平有限,难免有疏漏之处,望提出指正!也欢迎同行提供稿件,我们共同进步!-As a computer enthusiast, usually like to see some useful articles collected slowly study, collected a number of major computer malfunction,
- 一个射击游戏,在网上看到的,觉得还不错,所以提供上来让大家一起学习!-A shooting game on the Internet to see, feel pretty good, so up we will study together!
- 朋友,我是Jawen.看到先前上载的一套CPLD开发板的VHDL源码挺受欢迎的,现在就将她的Verilog源码也一并贡献给大家:8位优先编码器,乘法器,多路选择器,二进制转BBCD码,加法器,减法器,简简单易懂状态机,四位比较器,7段数码管,i2c总线,lcd液晶LCD显示出来,拨码开关,串口,蜂鸣器,矩阵键盘,跑马灯,交通灯,数字时钟 可直接使用。 -Friends, I Jawen. See previous upload a CPLD Development Board VHDL so
- 实现刷QQ空间留言功能。代码里都有注释的自己看澳。希望和大家一起学习。-Brush QQ space message functions. Well commented code to see Australia. I hope, and we will study together.
- 游戏《连连看》,只要将相同的两张牌用三根以内的直线连在一起就可以消除,规则简单容易上手。游戏速度节奏快,画面清晰可爱,适合细心的玩家。丰富的道具和公共模式的加入,增强游戏的竞争性。多样式的地图,使玩家在各个游戏水平都可以寻找到挑战的目标,长期地保持游戏的新鲜感。 -The game repeatedly see ", as long as the same two CARDS with three root within the linear together can eliminate the
- 如何使用请参看Readme以及演示视频。由于时间精力所限,目前仅实现了NTFS文件系统的处理,其它文件系统还没实现。系统将大量的坏扇区信息一次性加入文件系统的坏块机制中,甚至将真正坏扇区周围的“正常”扇区也视为坏扇区一并加入,则可以很好的应对“坏道蔓延”,大范围不规律分布的情况。-See how to use Readme demo video. Time and energy to achieve the NTFS file system processing, and other file
- 动态图,matlab源代码,表白神器哦,水水水水水水水水水(gooddasdafagdagdaagagdafaga)
- 扫雷小游戏 益智游戏,模仿Windows自带经典小游戏——“扫雷”的Flash版,一起来玩玩看,经典怀旧又不失趣味(Minesweeper games The puzzle game, imitate Windows to bring the classic small game - "Minesweeper" Flash version, together play to see, classic nostalgic and not lose interest)
- 发送信息示例代码,网上找的,一起学看看。(Send a sample code for information, look for it on the Internet, and learn to see it together.)