- 很好的产生水纹、火焰及熔岩效果示例vc源码,-Watermark generated a good flame and lava effects of sample vc source code,
- same wave file sample with different dificulty
- 显示WAV文件格式,播放,转换WAV文件-The ACMAPP sample displays wave file format, and plays, records, and converts wave files.
- AdjustSound sample shows how to load and play a wave file using a DirectSound buffer and adjust its focus, frequency, pan, and volume. -AdjustSound sample shows how to load and play a wave file using a DirectSound buffer and adjust its f
- 开发环境为QuartusII,能产生正弦波、三角波、方波和锯齿波,幅度度为5V,采样为8位,在开发板已经验证通过,有详细的波形图和管脚分配图。 -Development environment for the QuartusII can produce sine, triangle wave, square wave and sawtooth wave amplitude is 5V, sample 8, the development board has been verified by
- 该程序实现的是扩展卡尔曼粒子滤波,即采用扩展卡尔曼滤波波得到粒子滤波的建议分布,粒子滤波再从其中采样进行滤波。 -The program is implemented extended Kalman particle filter, which uses the extended Kalman filter wave particle filter proposal distribution, the particle filter from which the sample is filt
- This a VS2005 sample to list wave in/out devices information on a Windows CE device.-This is a VS2005 sample to list wave in/out devices information on a Windows CE device.
- VC++ 水波算法示例程序,精选学习源码,很好的参考资料。-VC++ wave algorithm sample program, select learning source code, a good reference.
- VC++ 水波算法示例程序,精选学习源码,很好的参考资料。-VC++ wave algorithm sample program, the selection of learning source, a good reference.
- VC++ 水波算法示例程序,精选学习源码,很好的参考资料。-Wave algorithm VC++ sample program, the selection of learning source, a good reference.
- C#获取多媒体音乐文件wav的属性信息,创建只读文件流,读取到的文件属性信息示例如下: RIFF标志:RIFF 文件长度:190200 WAVE标志:WAVE fmt标志:fmt 过渡字节:16 格式类别:1 通道数:2 采样率:22050 波形音频数据传送速率:88200 数据块的调整数:4 每样本的数据位数:16 数据标记符:data 语音数据的长度:190164
- WAVE文件解析:大小、采样率、采样位、通道个数、双声道分离与合并、简单混音。VC6.0调试通过!-WAVE file parsing: size, sample rate, sample position, the number of the channel, dual channel separation and merging, simple mixing. VC6.0 debugging through!
- This a VS2005 sample to list wave in/out devices information on a Windows CE device.-This is a VS2005 sample to list wave in/out devices information on a Windows CE device.
- This directory contains a sample AC97 adapter driver and several related code samples. The AC97 driver sample shows how to develop a WDM audio adapter driver that incorporates a wavePci miniport driver for the AC97 controller s wave audio device.
- 这个示例应用程序示范从一个波形媒体文件中读取和写入未压缩的音频数据。-Demonstrates using the IMFSourceReader API to get uncompressed media data a media file. This sample application reads audio data a media file and writes the uncompressed audio to a WAVE file.
- Open wav files and use Waveout functions to playback Opend wave file
- This a VS2005 sample to list wave in/out devices information on a Windows CE device.-This is a VS2005 sample to list wave in/out devices information on a Windows CE device.
- Mini project - 2: 使用弦波合成音乐 1. 将主旋律请使用以下的简谱为主,C大调 http://www.jitay.com/pic/201406/948.html 2. temple = 120 (也就是0.5秒为一拍) 3. 音档格式: *.wav档,sample rate: 44.1kHz, bit depth=16bits, channel: 2 (stereo),所以要有wav档的header,让window media player可以直接拨出。
Sample Script for batch processing
- 波浪函数的3D绘图(3D drawing of wave functions)
- 可以采集音频信号,保存,编辑音频信号。也可以调用保存好的声音信号进行分析处理。(Sample sound wave, can save sound. edit sound wave)