- JILRuntime A general purpose, register based virtual machine (VM) that supports object-oriented features, reference counting (auto destruction of data as soon as it is no longer used, no garbage collection), exceptions (handled in C/C++ or virtual ma
- The JILRunOnly project is a simple command-line application written in ANSI-C that is intended to demonstrate in detail, how the JILRuntime/Jewelscr ipt library can be embedded into an application.
- XMP Metadata SDK XMP为ADODB的一种免费的图像编码格式.适合做为游戏里的各种图像.-XMP is a free Image-coding format,supplied by ADODB.It s suitable for the image file format in game developing.
- 一款音频播放器,能测试好多工程指标,用C++编写-an audio player, a lot of test and engineering indicators, using C + +
win typer game
- 一个用win32API开发的 带声音 画面的俄罗斯方块-a win32API developed with picture and sound with the Rubik's cube
- WIN平台下的DNS欺骗原代码,是搞网络学习的号帮手啊,对了解dns协议很有帮组哦-WIN platform DNS deception source, is to carry out a study of network helper ah, right understanding of the agreement is to help dns Group oh
- 其中包含了 《Windows程序设计》PASCAL例子 《Windows高级编程指南》PASCAL例子 《Windows核心编程》PASCAL例子 ShellExecuteHook 示例 按键转汉字,模拟输入法程序 初步实现屏幕落雪效果 简单的文件分割合并工具 简单模拟所谓‘光标跟随’效果 利用Hook插入线程的改进版本 利用窗口过程钩子截获QQ账号 利用鼠标键盘钩子截获QQ账号 利用消息钩子屏蔽定时器 列举窗口及其路径简单例子 判断用户目
- wintc是一种编程工具-wintc is a programming tool
- WINSOCK控件的调用实例,方便没有使用过winsock控件的人学习,快速掌握TCP编程-Winsock Control calls example, did not use a convenient control protocols of the study and grasp the TCP programming
新编Win API大全
- 作为Microsoft 32位平台的应用程序编程接口,Win32 API是从事Windows应用程序开发所必备的。本书首先对Win32 API函数做完整的概述;然后收录五大类函数:窗口管理、图形设备接口、系统服务、国际特性以及网络服务;在附录部分,讲解如何在Visual Basic和Delphi中对其调用。 本书是从事Windows应用程序开发的软件工程师的必备参考手册。-32 as a Microsoft platform application programming interface,
- Java 2 Development Kit 1.3.0 beta2 如果您是Java的程序开发者,您绝对不可以错过Java 2Development Kit这个程序开发套件!!Java在短短的数年之间已经成为开发网络应用程序不可或缺的一员,虽然Microsoft一直想要用ActiveX来取代Java的地位,但是因为Java卓越的效能以及高度的安全防护性,让Java一直稳居网络应用程序的王座。-if you are a program developer,you will absolutely
- Java 2 Development Kit 1.3.0 beta2 如果您是Java的程序开发者,您绝对不可以错过Java 2Development Kit这个程序开发套件!!Java在短短的数年之间已经成为开发网络应用程序不可或缺的一员,虽然Microsoft一直想要用ActiveX来取代Java的地位,但是因为Java卓越的效能以及高度的安全防护性,让Java一直稳居网络应用程序的王座。-Java 2 Development Kit 1.3.0 beta2 if you are a Jav
- U盘的源代码资料! 枷夲 吴三桂是否中式 呆百 唱碟 春树暮云 城堡 夺取夺取胡子一式的话在世以-U-source information! Composing Wu Sangui flail whether Chinese spent 100 discs Haruki Surgery castle win-win a beard so alive to
- 一个运行在Dos下的程序源码,它模仿了Windows窗口界面,并且具备了Windows窗口的菜单-a run on Dos procedures under the source, it mimics the Windows interface, and a Windows window with the menu
- 德国机器翻译天才Och开发的Giza++开源代码的Windows移植版本,是一个叫Blue Gene的中国人移植的。,German machine translation genius Och development Giza++ Open source code version of Windows transplantation, called Blue Gene is a Chinese who transplantation.
- 自定义窗口asp.net C#源码...很是实用-Custom window asp.net C# ... It is a practical source
- 一个简单的hello windows mobile入门 给那些刚接触wm的兄弟们-A simple hello windows mobile entry to those new to wm brothers
- 一款仿Win-TC的c编辑器,delphi写成。 代码有点混乱,不过还是有参考价值的。-An imitation of Win-TC c-editor, delphi written. Code is a bit confusing, but still useful.
- 《windows驱动开发技术详解》一本驱动程序开发圣经,有很好的学习价值,值得收藏。-" Windows Detailed development of technology-driven," one driver development the Bible, learning the value of a good, worthy of collection.
- win-tc是一个很适合c程序学习的一个编译软件,它编辑方便,有利初学者快速掌握编程技巧-win-tc c is a suitable software program to learn a compilation, it is easy to edit, enabling beginners to quickly master the programming techniques