- 这是一个五子其程序,可以进行双方对战,网络对战,五个子成一条直线即赢-This is a five sons and their procedures can be carried out both players, network connections, as a son of five straight wins that
- 偿吉 奇趣在在在地的的有有在在一一以在在 要以 艰城夺?ゼ? 奇趣在在在地的的有有在在一一以在在 要以 艰城夺偿吉 奇趣在在在地的的有有在在一一以在在 要以 艰城夺-compensation Kyrgyzstan Trolltech in in in the the are in in January 1 in order to in to the difficulties City wins award Kyrgyzstan Trolltech in in in the the are in
- 胜负判定条件 如果玩家在棋盘上没有地方可以下子,则该玩家对手可以连下。双方都没有棋子可以下时棋局结束,以棋子数目来计算胜负,棋子多的一方获胜。 在棋盘还没有下满时,如果一方的棋子已经被对方吃光,则棋局也结束。将对手棋子吃光的一方获胜。-determine the outcome if the terms players on the chessboard no place Now, the players can rival even the next. Both c
- PowerBuilder中实现数据窗口打印预览通用方法 用PB编写WinSock TCP/IP应用程序 [PB 实例教程] 实现PB数据窗口的多表更新 [PB 实例教程] 用Web.PB开发瘦客户机 PB Web应用 [PB 基础教程] PB 5中PFC的使用-PowerBuilder data print preview window common methods used to prepare WinS PB ock TCP / IP applications [PB
- 扑克牌的发牌:按一定的规则四人玩牌;谁赢了先给谁发牌 (默认先给主人公控制的人发牌)2.扑克牌的出牌:谁拿了红桃4,谁先出;出牌规则,上 ... 所有问题只要你把它分析出来后,问题也就决绝了一半,剩下的就是写代码了。 分析问题是一个非常重要的环节.-cards for the licensing : according to certain rules four Mahjongg; Who wins labeled who licensing (the default heroine letti
- When two dice to seven points and 11 wins When two dice and for two points. Or 3. Or 5 to lose. on the other to continue throwing, if referrals to lose seven, and the last time it won
- 病毒吧~因为该变种病毒不但要攻击RPC漏洞,还会将自身复制到%system%\\Wins文件夹下,创建FTP服务和Wins Client服务。其中FTP服务开启系统的FTP功能用于传播病毒。“冲击波杀手”感染一台机器后就会使用Ping命令或ICMP echo方式探测随机产生的IP地址是否有效,如果有效便开始进行攻击。该病毒会在受感染的系统中随机使用666-765端口与攻击系统进行连接。该病毒还会检查系统版本和微软补丁包的版本号,然后根据不同的操作系统尝试从微软下载有关RPC漏洞的补丁程序,并自动
- windows sdk 6.0A。微软的windows sdk 太大了,我只需要里边的include 和 lib 内容进行windows编程。所以上传一个“轻量级的”sdk. 里面有shell32, gdi+, richedit2, 等。-Tiny windows sdk 6.0A. it only contains include and lib folders.
- 显示基于 TCP/IP 的 NetBIOS (NetBT) 协议统计资料、本地计算机和远程计算机的 NetBIOS 名称表和 NetBIOS 名称缓存。Nbtstat 可以刷新 NetBIOS 名称缓存和使用 Windows Internet 名称服务 (WINS) 注册的名称-Show based on the TCP/IP-NetBIOS (NetBT) protocol statistics, the local computer and remote computer' s Net
- 可以用于多种功能的显示,同时城里在城夺大跃进大路 -Can be used to display a variety of functions, while the city road in the city wins the Great Leap Forward
- 任给N堆石子,两人(游戏者与计算机)轮流从任一堆中任取,计算机先取,取最后一颗石子胜-Any stones to the N Reactor, the two (the game with the computer) take turns in a pile from any from any computer to check, take the last stone wins a
- 象棋对弈的JAVA程序,可实现两人对局,带悔棋功能和判胜功能-JAVA game of chess procedures, can be two games with wins悔棋functions and sub-function
- 和计算机玩“石头剪子布”游戏,你可以任选石头剪子布中的一种,计算机也随机产生3种物件之一,根据“石头赢剪子,剪子赢布,布赢石头”的规则判定胜负。思考:怎样增加“三局两胜”的游戏规则?width设置set和get函数。set函数应验证length和width均为0.0到20.0之间的浮点数。- play with a computer to decide who wins
- 井字遊戲 一個3X3的棋盤 以回合方式先達成連線者獲勝-3X3 game of tic-tac-toe board of a way to first round wins to reach the connection
- The essence of the game: On the table are laid out 50 matches. Each player in turn takes the matches from the pile, at least 1 and not more than 6. Who takes the last match, he wins. Software-based game for two persons, one of which - the compute
- 欧几里德的两个后代Stan和Ollie正在玩一种数字游戏,这个游戏是他们的祖先欧几里德发明的。给定两个正整数M和N,从Stan开始,从其中较大的一个数,减去较小的数的正整数倍,当然,得到的数不能小于0。然后是 Ollie,对刚才得到的数,和M,N中较小的那个数,再进行同样的操作……直到一个人得到了0,他就取得了胜利。-Two players, Stan and Ollie, play, starting with two natural numbers. Stan, the first play
- Each scr ipt sets net-settings to workstations (ip-adress, mask, gateway, DNS, WINS etc). Some scr ipts do it with repotr on IE, and some - from cmd.
- 五子棋游戏程序,实现了五子棋对战的基本功能,基于MFC开发;在双人对战模式的基础上添加了人机对战模式;可以并且只可以连续悔一步棋;所有获胜数据将计入档案。-Gobang games to realize Gobang Battle of the basic functions of MFC-based development in Double Battle mode based on the added man-machine Battle mode can and can only mo
- wins下QT使用手册,对wins下qt编程序有很大的帮助-stl standard demonstrating program guider ,it is very useful
- 这个是masm5.0汇编语言的X86机上的开发编译软件用它可以在wins系统下进行汇编语言开发-This is masm5.0 the X86 assembly language development machine to compile software to use it wins the system can be carried out under the assembly language development.