- function [tout, yout] = rk4(ypfun, tspan, y0, h) %定步长四阶Runge-Kutta法求常微分方程(组)数值解 %[tout,yout] = rk4( ypfun , tspan, y0,h) % 这里字符串ypfun是用以表示f(t, y)的M文件名, % tspan=[t0, tfinal]表示自变量初值t0和终值tf % y0表示初值向量y0,h是步长。 % 输出列向量tout表示节点 (t0 , t1 , … ,
- ofdm信道特性 Channel transmission simulator Channel transmission simulator % % inputs: % sig2 - noise variance % Mt - number of Tx antennas % Mr - number of Rx antennas % x - vector of complex input symbols (for MIMO, this is a matrix, wh
- entity/ent(1000),obj(1000) number/mat(12) l1: ident/ select objects to transform ,ent,cnt,num,rsp jump/l1:,trm:,,rsp l2: gpos/ select reference point ,x1,y1,z1,rsp jump/l1:,trm:,,rsp l3: gpos/ select next point ,x2,y2,z2,rsp jump/
- Determine the lag space. % Given a set of corresponding inputs and outputs the % function calculates a matrix of indices, which can be % helpful when trying to determine a proper lag space structure % (m and n) before identifying a model of
- The program takes 3 inputs: 1. A letter of the alphabet that will remain unencoded (e.g. "J") 2. A 5-letter keyword (e.g. "BREAK") 3. A message to be encrypted (e.g. "COMPUTERSCIENCE"). You may assume that it does not contain any spaces or p
- 二维直方统计图 网格为基础的,简单好用- imput: (1) x(i), y(i) point position data (2) bin grid number for x and y direction (3) lowx, highx, lowy, highy outpu: (1) matrix X, Y for 2 dimension (2) histogram value
- Y-bus formation. file contains matlab code for formation of bus admittance matrix
- Descr iption 给定一个有N个矩阵的矩阵链A1A2A3...An,矩Ai的维数为pi-1*pi。我们都知道,使用朴素的矩阵乘法去乘两个维数分别为x,y和y,z的矩阵,所需要的乘法次数为x*y*z。矩阵链乘法问题就是如何对矩阵乘积加括号,使得它们的乘法次数达到最少。 Input 输入的第一行为一个正整数N(1<=N<=200)。表示矩阵的个数。 输入的第二行包含N+1个整数,分别表示pi(0<=i<=N),其中每个pi在[1
- 一种新的基于峭度的盲源分离开关算法。程序调用说明:该算法程序调用格式为[y,w]=bksa(x),其中x是一个n*T的数据矩阵,y是估计出的源信号矩阵,w是n*n分离矩阵。-A new kurtosis-based switch algorithm for blind source separation. Program calls Note: The algorithm program calls the format [y, w] = bksa (x), where n* T x is a
- 这是一个非线性回归偏最小二乘程序,输入因变量与自变量,输出为x,y的主成分与负荷因子与回归系数- Inputs: x x matrix y y matrix Outputs: t score for x p loading for x u score for y q loading for y b regression coefficient
- Michael Carroll: Focused more on transform implementation. Also, the theory and results sections of the written document. Appendix: Behind the Scenes Math cp2tform() uses matrix mathematics to perform its tranformation. For an
- c++矩阵变换 关于x轴 y轴 原点 对称-c++matrix transform
- [model] = SVMTRAIN(X, Y, C, kernelFunction, tol, max_passes) trains an SVM classifier and returns trained model. X is the matrix of training examples. Each row is a training example, and the jth column holds the jth feature. Y is a column
- input: param: parameters of the LMGE algorithm param.mu, param.alpha, param.beta are regularization parameters. param.p: dimension of shared subspace param.k: number of nearest neighbors for Laplacian matrix X: input data Y: ground
- 1.利用工具(如ACDSee、PhotoShop)将*.jpg转换为*.bmp; 2.借助imread命令将图像内容读入内存数组; 3.通过访问数字图像RGB三个通道的对应矩阵,改变数字图像的色彩; 4.将数字图像的RGB表示转换为YUV表示; Y=0.30R+0.59G+0.11B U=0.70R-0.59G-0.11B V=-0.30R-0.59G+0.89B 5.通过访问Y(亮度)通道,改变数字图像的亮度; 6.通过Y(亮度)通道作灰度的线性变换,改变数字
- Descr iption 给定一个r * c的只包含0和1两个数字的矩阵,对于矩阵中任意一点(x,y),定义(x,y)的权为(x,y)到与此点曼哈顿距离最小的1的曼哈顿距离(如果mat[x][y] = 1,则(x,y)的权为0)。请求出对于给定01矩阵中所有点的权值之和。 所谓曼哈顿距离——两点在南北方向上的距离加上在东西方向上的距离,即D(I,J)=|XI-XJ|+|YI-YJ|。对于一个具有正南正北、正东正西方向规则布局的城镇街道,从一点到达另一点的距离正是在南北方向上旅
- 读取平面点坐标及点号,按X、Y轴坐标大小将平面点点号以二维5*5矩阵整齐输出!-Read the plane point coordinates and the dot, according to the X and Y coordinates, size and number on the plane with two-dimensional 5* 5 output matrix and tidy!
- matlab 随机生成无向图,position 此矩阵用来存储节点坐标 第一个列存储节点编号 第二列存储节点x坐标 第三列存数节点y坐标 association 关联矩阵,具体存储的是距离-matlab create undirected graph position matrix denote point coordinate association denote association matrix
- 潮流准调和分析 Dd.m [DO1 dO1 DK1 dK1 DM2 dM2 DS2 dS2 DM4 dM4 DMS4 dMS4]=Dd(y,D,Y,tm,A1) 计算6个准调和分潮的振幅系数和初相角公式 aM.m [N n aa liu_u liu_v]=aM() 基础系数矩阵,目前D和d值是取用的各段数据的中间时间值,t是以中间为0左右对称取; 视差潮龄A1需要预先得知 同时本程序负责读取原始测流数据,格式为 站位名称 观测数据段数N(即大 中 小潮)
- krylov子空间法 krylov子空间方法的程序实现,用于解高阶矩阵-Matlab Codes for Krylov subspace methods 1. MINRES method by Paige and Saunders implementation function [ x, istop, itn, rnorm, Arnorm, Anorm, Acond, ynorm ] = ... minres( A, b, M, shift, show, check, itnlim