- 会计分栏金额输入控件,可以自动调整分栏大小,自动检测数据的正确性。适合用于财务软件的开发工作,可以打印。-accounting controls column amount of input, it will automatically adjust the size of columns, automatic detection of data accuracy. Optimized for the development of financial software, can print.
- 运动会计分系统 是一个可以很好的初学用户学习和参考的好程序,他可以实现对运动会时的计分和排名-campaign accounting subsystems can be a good beginner users learning and reference the program, he can achieve the right games and ranking points
- Universal IP-traffic collector. Can gather data from Cisco IP Accounting / ipcad, Mikrotik, NSG, Revolution routers.-Universal IP-traffic collector. Can gath er data from the Cisco IP Accounting / ipcad. Mikrotik types, NSG, Revolution routers.
- 一个万年历的程序代码,界面好看,使用方面,占资源较少。-a hefty almanac of the code, the interface looks good, use, accounting for fewer resources.
- 关于NETFLOW信息分析的软件。 is a netflow analyzer. It uses MySQL database to store accounting information. Filters, used in the JFlowAnalyzer, allows very flexible classificate any kind of traffic and store it in the differend fields in database-on NETFLOW inf
- IP电话管理计费软件设计. 关键词:IP电话 网守系统 H.323 协议-IP telephony management accounting software design. Keywords : IP phone system Gatekeeper H.323
- 非常好的一个进制转换工具 小巧,好用,占内存少-a very good base for the conversion tool compact, handy, accounting for less memory
- 1、 设计内容 设计一个个人日常记账系统:含编号、科目分类(费用分类)、摘要、金额、日期、是收入还是支出、备注等内容。 要求: 1、设计所需的数据,能够进行数据输入; 2、能在视图中显示所有的数据; 3、能够将输入的数据保存为文件,同时能够打开已保存的数据文件; 4、可以对数据进行打印和打印预览; -a design as a personal day-to-day design accounting system : with numbers, subjects C
QBuilder Curses函数库
- 您在使用UNIX吗?你曾经使用过中创的会计系统吗?那么你喜欢他的界面吗?可是你又苦于无法实现他的效果吗?现在好了,我向您免费提供 一套基于UNIX/LINUX下的 Curses 函数的函数库,使用这个函数库,您就可以快速开发类似于中创系统的界面,保证漂亮、美观、大方,此控 件包含: QWindowX.hpp 窗口类,重新封装了CURSES的类,重新制作了BOX函数,彻底解决了系-you in the use of UNIX? You have used the state-accounting
- 该软件包括很多子菜单,具有强大的查询各种会计科目功能,且可以修改各种会计科目,增加,删除各种会计科目,原始数据。-The software includes many sub-menu, with powerful subjects for various accounting functions, which can modify various accounting subjects, add, delete all accounts, the original data.
- 介绍将2张图片合并的方法,快速,占cpu低;供学习,抛砖引玉-Describes the method of merging two images, fast, accounting for cpu is low for learning and attract valuable comments
- 仿金山毒霸按钮滑动效果,有点占内存望高手优化-Imitation Duba button sliding effect, look a little accounting expert to optimize memory
- 用swing写的资金记账程序,自动生成详细列表,可以使用音乐功能-Swing write funds accounting procedures, automatically generate detailed list, you can use the music features
- visual Studio 2008 SP1环境下,编写的一个宿舍记账软件。账目信息,利用List Control控件显示。-Under visual Studio 2008 SP1 environment, accounting software written in a dormitory. Account information, use List Control control displays.
- 一个windows程序设计编写的“随手记”个人记账软件,具有一个管理员登录界面,连接到主界面,实现了主界面里的“记一笔”,“流水账”和“统计信息”。-A windows program designed to prepare the "Note-taking" personal accounting software, with an administrator login screen, connected to the main interface, to achieve the main
- VB写的辅助核算软件的源代码,可进行土方等工程项目辅助核算,借用金蝶数据库,运输统计核算等。-VB wrote the auxiliary accounting software source code, earthworks and other projects can be assisted accounting, borrow Kingdee database, accounting and other transport statistics.
- Accounting Software with Inventories For managing companies
- A Concept of Accounting Software it Covers many things like Invoice Holding Technique Parent Technique and so many useful function