- 简单的程序,大家共享,欢迎提意见或者攻击都可以 -simple procedures, share, or welcomed opinions can attack
- CFrameWnd CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo ShowWindow UpdateWindow DragAcceptFiles CDialog CDataExchange CDocument CFormView CDC CPen CreatePen CBrush CreateSolidBrush
- 这是一个关于调色板的程序。用到MFC中CBrush的知识,在左边的颜色框中选择任意一种颜色,就可以在右边的颜色框中显示出相同的颜色。-This is a program on the palette. CBrush used in the knowledge of MFC, in the left box, select the color of any color to the color of the box to the right show the same color.
- 在Windows中有各种图形用户界面GUI[Graphics User Interface]对象,当我们在进行绘图时就需要利用这些对象。而各种对象都拥有各种属性,下面首先介绍几种GUI对象和拥有的属性: 字体对象CFont 刷子CBrush对象画笔CPen 位图CBitmap对象 CPalette调色板 -In Windows, have a variety of graphical user interface GUI [Graphics User Interface] objects, wh
- 这是一个关于调色板的程序。用到MFC中CBrush的知识,在左边的颜色框中选择任意一种颜色,就可以在右边的颜色框中显示出相同的颜色。-This is a program on the palette. CBrush used in the knowledge of MFC, in the left box, select the color of any color to the color of the box to the right show the same color.
- Button-tansparent: LoadImage CPoint CWnd CButton GetActiveWindow GetCapture SetFocus SetCapture CRect GetClientRect PtInRect ReleaseCapture CDC CPen CBrush FrameRect FillRect GetSysColor SelectObject LineTo DrawFocusRect CString GetWindowText Offse
- How to use skin control: LoadImage CPoint CWnd CButton GetActiveWindow GetCapture SetFocus SetCapture CRect GetClientRect PtInRect ReleaseCapture CDC CPen CBrush FrameRect FillRect GetSysColor SelectObject LineTo DrawFocusRect CString GetWindowText