- 美国STANFOR大学--凸优化及应用:凸优化基本原理,在通信及函数优化中德应用-STANFOR University of the United States -- convex optimization and application : the basic tenets of convex optimization, in communications and function optimization and German application
- 计算几何中的几种lisp语言的算法,包括凸包,最小包围圆,点集的最大直径,最小距离等。-computational geometry of several lisp language algorithms, including the convex hull, the smallest enclosing circle, Point Set diameter of the largest and the smallest distance.
- 超分辨率的pocs(凸集投影法)的程序,能实现超分辨率重建,Super-resolution of pocs (convex set projection method) procedures, to achieve super-resolution reconstruction
- stanford讲义 convex optimization 作者是Stanford著名教授 Boyd-stanford lectures convex optimization author is well-known Stanford Professor Boyd
- 介绍一个CButton的派生类CLinkButton,用此派生类制作的按钮具有以下特点: 1、按钮的外观类似静态控件类CStatic 产生的对象。 2、当鼠标的光标移到按钮上,但并未按下时,光标改变形状,字体改变形状;按钮类似应用在工具条和菜单上的扁平钮效果。 3、当按钮按下时有立体感(凹凸)。-Introduce a CButton derived class CLinkButton, use this button to create a derived class has th
- 利用MFC,简单的图形界面,简单的算法,实现凸包的绘制-Using MFC, a simple graphical interface, a simple algorithm to achieve the convex hull of the draw
- 一个用于生成多边形最小凸包的简单程序,基本功能就是用鼠标随意画一个多边形,然后计算并生成多边形最小凸包。很难得-Minimum convex polygon of a package used to generate a simple procedure, the basic function is free to draw a polygon with the mouse, and then calculates and generates the smallest convex polygo
- 用C#编写的计算凸包的程序,可以运行,代码简单。-Calculated using C#, the convex hull of the program, you can run the code simple.
- 判断一个透镜(凹透镜,凸透镜,平面镜)合格还是不合格。-Judge a lens (concave, convex, plane mirror) qualified or unqualified.
- 1.鼠标移入时能自动变色(颜色可自由设定) 2.可通过代码控制按钮状态(平、凹、凸) -1. Automatically change color when the mouse moved (color can be freely set) 2. Can be controlled by the code button state (flat, concave, convex)
- 实现凸包算法,可以清晰的看见递归的过程,也可以看出最后的区域-Convex hull algorithm recursive process, you can clearly see, the last area can also be seen
- 读取矢量数据文件,包括点线面文件,主要·功能有计算两点距离,计算点到线距离,计算折现段周长,计算凸多边形面积。-Read vector data files, including points, lines and documents, the main function · calculate distance between two points is calculated the point to the line, calculate the discount segment peri
- Compressive sensing is the reconstruction of sparse images or signals very few samples, by means of solving a tractable optimization problem. In the context of MRI, this can allow reconstruction many fewer k-space samples, thereby reducing sc
- 标签卡在左侧,有凹凸效果,可以插入图片,有鼠标移动效果(The label card is on the left and has a concave and convex effect. You can insert pictures and move the mouse)