- this utility is used to copy any file to different location in the local area network. this utility keeps record of last added locations into the list.This application uses path.xml file to keep history of locations. This is very simple
- this utility is used to copy any file to different location in the local area network. this utility keeps record of last added locations into the list.This application uses path.xml file to keep history of locations. This is very simple
- this utility is used to copy any file to different location in the local area network. this utility keeps record of last added locations into the list.This application uses path.xml file to keep history of locations. This is very simple
- this utility is used to copy any file to different location in the local area network. this utility keeps record of last added locations into the list.This application uses path.xml file to keep history of locations. This is very simple
- 要手工注册\\\"E:\\\\CPCW.dll\\\",只需在\\\"开始→运行\\\"中键入\\\"Regsvr32 E:\\\\CPCW.dll\\\",单击\\\"确定\\\"按钮后会弹出提示信息\\\"DllRegisterServer in CPCW.dll succeeded\\\",说明组件注册成功;如果要卸载此组件,在\\\"开始→运行\\\"中键入\\\"Regsvr32 /u E:\\\\CPCW.dll\\\"即可。但这是一个可视界面下的操作实现
- wavelets are used extensively in signal and image processing,Medicine, Finance, Radar, Sonar, Geology and many other varied fields. They are usually presented in mathematical formulae, but can actually be understood in terms of simple comparisons
- 很好的一个按钮,可以实现随屏幕大小自动缩放,按钮中他图片也自动缩放。-gfdgfdg gdg dgfret er ewe rte t rty yty ty y t u e d gd srrr x r tr x r r
- 本程序旨在对电梯实际运行过程的模拟,并尽力贴近真实情况。 本程序的使用者须在命令行模式中输入指令,其中:按下1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9键表示电梯内有乘客按相应目标楼层按钮;按下Q、W、E、R、T、Y、U、I键表示1层到8层有上行呼叫请求;按下A、S、D、F、G、H、J、K键表示2层到9层有下行呼叫请求,按下0键表示不再在当前层等待立即开始运行。 输入指令后,在图形界面会有与之相对应的响应,告诉用户所输入的指令已被程序所接受。此后,在电梯运行过程中,在图形界面会有对电梯当前楼层、运
- APPFACE一个不错的VC界面美化组件。- AppFace Trial Service AppFace is a powerful and easy-to-use skin engine for VC,VB6,Delphi,BCB,Pure Basic,Win32 SDK,VB.Net and C# projects . The trial service allows you load AppFace powerful URF skin successfully wi