- 本软件是集成式的输入平台,是一个输入法整合软件,除了本有的拼音输入外,可以挂接 各种形码输入方案,如五笔98、86、郑 ... 由于使用只有50多K的单线矢量字库,从体积而 言是目前最小的汉字系统,当然显示效果会打个折扣,直接键入xzl.com进行加载即可。 -the software is integrated platform for the importation of an input method integration software, in addition to the imp
- MFC中,创建多个动态按钮,动态控件,设置其标题,字体等属性,并且挂接事件,响应事件的一个好例子。 程序中完成动态申请资源的记录回收。 有什么问题联系 chenjp6500@sohu.com 2006.05.18-MFC, create multiple dynamic buttons, dynamic control, set its title, attributes such as font, and articulated, incident response is a goo
- //MFC中,创建多个动态Edit控件,并且挂接事件,响应事件的一个好例子。 //程序中完成动态申请资源的记录回收。 //有什么问题联系 chenjp6500@sohu.com 2006.08.21-/ / MFC, creating more dynamic Edit Control, and articulated, in response to the incident a good example. / / Dynamic completed procedures for th
- 滚动条皮肤控件,win32SDK和MFC均可以使用,采用Hook方式挂接,非常不错的-Scroll bar controls the skin, win32SDK and MFC are available, the use of Hook articulated manner, very good
- 基于车辆动力学的作战坦克仿真源码,能较真实地模拟车辆的运动性能。-Tank Simulator is a software tool to simulate a battle Tank based on its vehicle dynamics. Vehicle dynamics allow simulations to contain parameters that most clearly approximate the dynamic performance of the vehicle.
- So far as this project is concerning with handling of Employee’s credentials , the product envisages many important ingredients and has been articulated in such a way that it helps in systematic maintenance of any Employee’s information without any