- 使用mediastreamer2的g711common.h. unsigned char s16_to_alaw(int pcm_val). 将16bit的原始样本encode 成为8bit的a-law码.-use mediastreamer2 the g711common.h. Unsign ed char s16_to_alaw (int pcm_val). to the original 16bit samples The encode into a 8 bit-law code.
- 这是一个矩阵字体现显示控件,使用简单,首先插入该CMatrixCtrl控件的.h和 .cpp文件到您的项目,添加一个静态控件到您的对话框资源,把静态控件修改声明为CMatrixCtrl类的一个成员变量。-This is an attempt to create a control which looks a little bit like the credits of the Matrix movie. While it isn t the greatest clone of the Matri