- 微软的Ping程序代码,可以结合Linux代码实现Flow Ping洪水测试,测试网卡性能和丢包-Microsoft's code, Linux code can be combined to achieve Ping Flood Flow test Ethernet performance and packet loss
- Electronics Workbench, that is a good book for linux platform developers.-Electronics Workbench. that is a good book for linux platform developer s.
- 在linux环境下,对mapinfo格式地图操作(包括读、写等)的库文件以及源代码,用arm-linux-gcc编译过的。我就是用它完成了我们学校地图的显示及一些操作功能,平台是三星的s3c2410.-the linux environment, the right to operate MapInfo format maps (including reading, writing) of the library and source code, using arm - linux-gcc co
- www.trolltech.com推荐的学习Qt的权威书籍 自制的Pdf版Code Less Create More Deploy Everywhere Using Trolltech s Qt you can build industrial-strength C++ applications that run natively on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and embedded Linux without source code changes.
- 一个跨WINDOW跟LINUX的界面库,用于在两个系统中做开发,WINDOW with an inter-library LINUX interface for the two systems make the development of
- pxa270平台下面,LINUX环境,LCD显示屏驱动,放心使用-PXA270 platform below, LINUX environment, LCD display drivers, ease of use
- 这个是我自己写的LINUX的进程调度模拟程序,写得不算太好,供大家参考-The program is my own work, it s not perfect but I am pritty sure it can be a successful one ^_^ enjoy it
- 利用奇趣科技公司(Trolltedl)的Qt应用程序框架,可以构建出工业级的跨平台应用程序。在源代码不经任何修改的情况下,这些程序即可流畅运行于Windows、Linu/UNIX、Mac OS X和嵌入式Linux上“一次编写,随处编译”。 本书对Qt进行了全面介绍,充分展示了Qt程序开发模式中的每一个细节。奇趣科技公司就是采用这样一本包含诸多实际应用和深刻见解的书籍来对新员工进行Qt培训的。在本书中,除了可以找到诸如数据库访问、XML集成、自定义控件的创建等成熟完善的技术以外,还可以为
- A data acquisition program which uses a Windows based server (mfc) and a linux client which has the Labjack U12. The server sends a string of data to the client specifying the time delay between acq s, the number of times to poll and the IO port dire
- 一个强大的windows 图形用户界面库,可以做出非常漂亮的用户界面-GT is a compact, efficient, and customizable graphical user interface (GUI) library for the Windows environment (eventually Linux and Mac will be added). The majority of the code is platform independent, only relyi
- 使用说明: Windows下的程序直接双击即可,Linux下的程序,首先将“加完权限后请运行我!.sh”添加可执行的权限,然后运行之。 操作说明: [w]健:上 [s]健:下 [a]健:左 [d]健:右 已测试的运行环境: WindowsXP、Windows8、Ubuntu12.10 开发环境: Ubuntu12.10 + g++4.7.2 + Qt4.8.1 + QtCreator2.6/QtCreator2.