- 一个圆形按钮控件类,刚从codeproject上看到的。比较实用-a circular button controls category, just codeproject saw. More Practical
- [转贴]简单链表的实现.txt我刚学C不久,看到链表这就写了这个.给刚学C的朋友们,希望大家共同进步,也希望高手们也看看提出缺点和不足. 谢谢!-[posted] simple Chain realized. Txt I just learning C shortly, Chain saw it was this. just learning to C friends, we hope that common progress, experts also hope to see also r
- 大家有没有这样的经历呢? 当看到一个共享软件很不错时,想购买,可 软件作者却把软件价格定的奇高,一声叹息,开始找软件破解方法,最 后也没有破解软件,软件作者也失去一个客户。可惜、可惜。-we do not have the experience? When he saw a very good-sharing software, want to buy, but the software author of the software to set the price unreason
- 这个玩意是我在网上看到有前辈写出来后,自己观察,费很大的劲改的。-this thing I saw on the Internet written predecessors after their observation, charges great efforts to change.
- 前几天看到有人在论坛上寻找二进制浏览、编辑代码,自己前几天又不是很忙,就摸索着写了这个程序-saw a few days ago was at the Forum for binary view, edit code, a few days before his is not so busy, writing on the exploration of this process
- 从老外文章里看到一种基于分类器的人脸检测方法,好不容易搞到这个人脸图像训练集和测试集,现在贡献出来,希望对做人脸检测的朋友有帮助(图像比较全,有彩色人脸图像)-from generals saw an article based on the classification of face detection method finally got the facial image training set and test set, now contribute, hope to the huma
- csharpsocketC.rar看名字看的出来不?-csharpsocketC.rar saw the name read out is not
- 我看到的最好的进程查看器,内有进程跟踪功能,真的很强-I saw the best process viewer, which is the process of tracking functions, really strong
- 将RGB转换为HSV 在书上看到的 希望能帮上忙-of HSV to RGB conversion in the book saw the hope of any help here
- Here is an XP-style Button. It works on all windows OSs: 95/98/Me/NT/W2K/XP. No subclassing etc is needed to use this control - it s just a plain simple button control. This code is a modified form of the OCX code I recently saw on codeguru. The butt
- 自规避随即行走,实现自规避随即行走,画路经图
- 本人看了徐景州的分割文件后觉得这确实是一个简单的思路,但是要把他编得更加完美却较难有句话:小事不做何以做大事,编一百个软件不如编好一个软件.本人的分割文件思想是把要分割的文件一次读入内存求的分割的数目,然后分别写入文件接着写入文件信息以便合并使用,不过该软件有个缺点: 他用的是属性页对话框写的框架我还不知道怎么修改他自带的退出按钮,不能点对话框的下面的退出按钮.请各位前辈指教.-I saw Xu Jing-state division of documents think this really
- 非常强大,邮件收发控件,好不好,下载看了您说了算-Very powerful, e-mail sending and receiving control, or good, download the saw you have the final say
- 通过这个小示例,大家可以学习一下用C#制作一些形状不规则的窗体,比如气泡窗体、字形窗体,当然了,老手一看就会看明白,这里会使用一些辅助素材,那就是事先准备好的BMP位图,C#只是把这些位图做为背景,然后再稍加处理,去掉原始窗体的边框,一个不规则的窗体就完成了。-With this small example, we can learn about using C# to produce some form of irregular shape, such as bubbles form, gra
- The PropertyGridEx control shows how to add a new tab to the standard System.Winows.Forms.PropertyGrid. In this sample, a custom page shows all instance fields of the selected object. Additionally it shows how to implement and use the IPropertyValueU
- VC++开发饼图的模块,很有参考价值,我看了收获挺大的-VC++ development module of the pie chart was useful and I saw a big harvest
- 偶尔有时候需要用到翻页控件,就琢磨着写了一个,用一个dlg作为父窗口,从CButton派生一个CMyButton按钮作为翻页中的一项,有多少页就动态创建多少个按钮,处理一下按钮之间的逻辑关系遇到>>的时候就显示后续页,遇到<<的时候就显示前面的页。。。。。 这个是我在看雪看到的,把它转到VC6.0下,大家有什么改进的也告知我一声,-Sometimes the need to use occasionally flip controls, wondering write
- 看到了一个很不错的视频,把demo都写下来了,分享给大家(Saw a very good video, write down the demo, share with you)