- JILRuntime A general purpose, register based virtual machine (VM) that supports object-oriented features, reference counting (auto destruction of data as soon as it is no longer used, no garbage collection), exceptions (handled in C/C++ or virtual ma
- The JILRunOnly project is a simple command-line application written in ANSI-C that is intended to demonstrate in detail, how the JILRuntime/Jewelscr ipt library can be embedded into an application.
- 这是本人写的一个实用动态菜单,稍加修改就可以做出更好的运态生成菜单-I write this is a practical dynamic menu, a little change can make better Win State Generation menu
- 1 这是我用VC做的电子表格平台,可实现对窗口表格视图和其背景数据库的若干基本操作。 (a动态创建新表, b在表中添加、删除行、列, c打开、保存、另存表格, d制作了一个属性对话框来修改表格的基本属性,如行数、列数、标题等) 用户可通过视图上操作改变背景数据库 2 数据库操作采用ADO, 背景数据库采用Access 视图采用单文档界面和CGridCtrl控件 3 本软件在运行时,在debug文件夹中要考入“资料”的access文件,
- This article presents a class which can be used to create tabbed views within a splitter window.-This article presents a class which can be u sed to create tabbed views within a splitter win DOW.
- 这是我的课程设计 由于时间有限,程序难免有不足。 还请多多指教。 程序建议不要在win2000和win xp的cmd下运行。 推荐在win98或纯dos中装有UCDOS中文DOS平台下运行。 主菜单程序为main.c 运行此程序,选择相应的菜单,即可运行查看到其他程序。 wnl.c万年历 adstd.c 学生数据库 ply.c小蜜蜂(UFO)游戏 tlife 生存模拟 但是要求main.c和其他程序的执行文件必须在同一目录里(文件夹)。否则连接其他程序将失
- 用 Win API 实现自绘按钮类 ,有个好界面。-Win API drawn from the category buttons, a good interface.
- 一款仿Winamp的播放软件,实现了它的多种功能!支持MP3,WMA,WAV等多种格式! 支持多个面板!主面板为Win-XP样式!内存比Winamp小3MB!! 功能绍介 ·支持多种格式 ·支持更换面板 ·支持快捷键 ·保存/读取播放清单 ·播放列表 -A fake Winamp player software, achieved its multiple functions. Supports MP3, WMA, WAV and other form
- 一款仿Winamp的播放软件,实现了它的多种功能!支持MP3,WMA,WAV等多种格式! 支持多个面板!主面板为Win-XP样式!内存比Winamp小3MB!! 功能绍介 ·支持多种格式 ·支持更换面板 ·支持快捷键 ·保存/读取播放清单 ·播放列表 -A fake Winamp player software, achieved its multiple functions. Supports MP3, WMA, WAV and other form
- This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your TreeTest application.If your application uses MFC in a shared DLL, and your application is in a language other than the operating system s current langu
- windows api 开发的多视图记事本,代码结构清晰,有利于学习和掌握win api消息处理机制。-windows api development of the Multi-View notebook, a clear code structure is conducive to learning and mastering win api information processing mechanism.
- 一个运行在Dos下的程序源码,它模仿了Windows窗口界面,并且具备了Windows窗口的菜单-a run on Dos procedures under the source, it mimics the Windows interface, and a Windows window with the menu
- 一个VC写的程序,dvr播放器,希望对初学同学又所帮助,已编译通过,好用。-VC to write a program, dvr player, want to help beginner students they have been compiled by, easy to use.
- 完整VC++写可以在窗口上显示图片的一个窗口程序,对于练习VC++开发非常有帮助,强烈推荐!-Full VC++ to write pictures in the window display a window program, VC++ development for the exercise very helpful, it is strongly recommended!
- A few months ago, I was asked to develop a combo box that contains a tree view inside it. Initially, I used a normal tree view control, but I soon realized that I was short of space on some of the win forms. Now, in another project, I needed to use a
- 这个控件超好,自带20套很不错的皮肤,有立体感的,还有WIN XP风格的和WIN 98风格的,演示截图只是其中一款,你最好下载下来体验一下,据说是老外写的,很多要收费的,这一款侥幸得到了,奉献给大家,喜欢的话多来源码爱好者,还有很多在等着你!-The ultra-control, and comes with 20 sets of very good skin, there are three-dimensional sense, but also WIN XP and WIN 98-style
- this is a simple os for a arm 9 processor application in win ce5
- 这是一个窗口标签化软件。 激活一个窗口,按下Win+0吧窗口标签化。 双击标签(或者Ctrl+W)复原,F2,F3切换标签。 右下角有托盘图标可以选择: a.按类名分类 b.按标题分类-This is a window label software. Activate a window, you press the Win+0 labeling window. Double-click the tab (or Ctrl+ W) to recover, F2, F3 to sw
- wince5 GPS 主界面软件,对在wince5上开发界面软件很有帮助-a main menu software on wince5, it is good for GPS main menu develepment.
- 网上提供的控件自绘基本上是MFC或WTL封装好的类,对于不想用MFC的人来说是一无是处的,我可是WIN32API的坚决拥护者。因为MFC等也是用WIN32API封装起来的,学好了WIN32API,可以深入的了解WINDOWS内部的机制,编写出来的程序才能得到更好的优化。 -Available online from the controls in MFC or WTL painting is basically a good class package, for people who do no