- 香农第一定理指出了平均码长与信源之间的关系,同时也指出了可以通过编码使平均码长达到极限值,这是一个很重要的极限定理。-Shannon first theorem that the average yards long with the letter of the relationship between the source, it has also pointed out the code can make the average yards long reach limits, this i
- 一个平面的Edit类,非常漂亮,使用很简单,只要将你代码中的所有CEdit换成CXPEdit,并包函头文件#include \"XPEdit.h\"即可。-a flat Edit type, very beautiful and very simple to use, as long as your code all CEdit CXPEdit replaced, and the first document 9.1.2 # include "XPEdit.h" can.
- 带有Loading效果的VC++窗体制作实例,附了完整的VC6.0源代码,打开vc6就可直接编译,运行无错。打开的时候先显示Loading几个字样,也可是一个图标或其它图形,间隔几秒钟后真正的窗口才显示出来,非常不错,我觉得。-Loading effect VC++ form production instance, attached complete VC6.0 source code, open vc6 can be compiled directly, error-free run. Th