- 串口数据的发送与接收及十六进制数据的处理 串 口数据的发送与接收及十六进制数据的处理 串口数据的发送与接收及十六进制数据的处理-serial data transmission and reception of data and hexadecimal address of the serial data send and receive data and hexadecimal address of the serial data send and receive data and hexad
- 串口数据的发送与接收及十六进制数据的处理 串 口数据的发送与接收及十六进制数据的处理-serial data transmission and reception and hexadecimal data processing serial data transmission and reception and hexadecimal data processing
- 1.BOOL OnCommsCreate(CWnd* pParentWnd) 创建串口,本DLL同时创建5个串口。pParentWnd为窗口指针,一般为this。 2. BOOL OnComportOpen() 根据串口设置文件中的设置参数,打开多串口。 3.void OnCommSend(unsigned int uiCom, CString sSendData, unsigned int uiKind) 往指定串口发送数据。其中uiCom为指定的串口,注意串口1的u
- CMune的使用,在对话框中添加菜单的事例,解决在单文档工程中添加子窗口,接收不到消息的问题-The use of CMune, in the dialog box to add the case to solve the single document project to add a child window, the problem is not receiving messages