- Ever since Windows 95 first came out, I have noticed that just about every developer was scambling to get all the new common controls and UI features into their applications... but it seems like nobody has yet to make a taskbar-like control. So I set
- 如何从浮动工具条中去掉Close钮,大家知道,浮动中的工具条是带X(Close)按钮的,有时候我们不想显示它,怎样解决呢?-from the floating of the tools and remove the Close button, as you know, The floating tool belt is X (Close) button, and sometimes we do not want to show it, how to solve it
- 从CControlBar派生的toolbar.已编译为独立的dll,有使用例子。 在vc++2005下编译。适合mfc初学者学习,使用。
- 如何让工具提示更加吸引用户?增加声音效果也许更有效。本程序就是介绍如何从CToolTipCtrl派生出一个CWavTipCtrl来实现播放声音功能。-tools suggest how to attract more customers? Increase sound effects may be more effective. This procedure is how derived from CToolTipCtrl CWavTipCtrl to achieve a voice broad
- 从工具栏拖动到视里面,visual c++ 界面编程-drag from the toolbar visually inside, visual programming interface c
- Ever since Windows 95 first came out, I have noticed that just about every developer was scambling to get all the new common controls and UI features into their applications... but it seems like nobody has yet to make a taskbar-like control. So I set
- 创建半透明窗口的实例,从codeproje上搜下来的,窗口可以淡入淡出-Examples of the creation of semi-transparent window, from the down codeproje found, the window can fade
- 该程序介绍了怎么在工具栏上增加组合框控件,具体操作就是从CToolBar派生一个新类-How to introduce the program in the toolbar combo box control on the increase, the specific operation is derived from a new class CToolBar
- 类似于VC中workspace的控件,是我从CJ60Lib库中提取出来的并做了些修改,不依赖于CJ60Lib库,能够使程序更小,而且还修复了两个重要的bug:1.程序最小化,并恢复后,子控件不重绘。2.在controlbar处于浮动状态时,主窗口得不到响应。-VC is similar to the controls in the workspace, that is how I extracted CJ60Lib library and made some changes to CJ60Lib
- 一个进度条的例子,可以正常走条,也可以控制走条,可以从左向右,也可以从右向左-Example of a progress bar, you can go be normal, you can also control the walking stick that can be left to right, right to left can also be
- 微软箱整合了各种迷你小工具,主要是面向计算方面的,如单位换算,进制换算,MD5工具,农历查询等等工具,都是自行开发或从网上收集代码修改而成。需要.NET2.0框架(在windows vista和windows 7上能直接运行。) -Microsoft' s integration of the various mini-box of small tools, mainly for the calculation of areas, such as unit conversion, ba
- 介绍从CToolBar继承的 CPaletteBar CToolBar m_wndToolBar CStyleBar m_wndStyleBar CPaletteBar m_wndPaletteBar CDialogBar m_wndDlgBar -CPaletteBar
- Toolbar制作菜单条过程详解,现在许多用户界面都使用工具栏制作菜单条,小弟最近对此感兴趣,便从网上求助,可是得到的帮助大多是BCGControlBar的源代码或者是SizableRebar的源代码-Toolbar make menu bar process explanation,Now many user interface are using toolbar making menu bar, I recently are interested, then from online for
- VC++制作窗口内的浮动菜单和工具栏实例,像标准的窗口菜单和工具栏类似,只不过通过处理后,菜单和工具栏可以从主窗体中分享,浮动在屏幕的任意位置,可关闭浮动菜单和工具栏,像Office软件中,类似的菜单工具条随处可见,按住菜单头部的竖条即可把菜单从主窗口中分离。-VC++ produced within the window floating menus and toolbars instance, like a standard window menu and toolbar similar,
- VB窗体自绘,无标题栏+弹出式菜单,弹出菜单目前仅支持一级。 菜单栏上各个顶级菜单的区域,有几个元素就有几个顶级菜单 顶级菜单的文本 顶级菜单的索引号,从0开始 鼠标是否在顶级菜单上 标题栏上文字的颜色 标题栏的背景色 标题栏上文字的大小 整个菜单栏的背景色 菜单栏上顶级菜单正常时的背景色 按下鼠标时顶级菜单的背景色 选中顶级菜单时显示的圆角矩形外边框的颜色 鼠标在
- 将text影片剪辑拖到第一层,并制作滚动效果,让文本框从下运动到上,创作motion动画. 在第一桢和最后一桢加入as-The text movie clip onto the first layer, and create a rolling effect, so that the text box to the next movement, the creation motion animation in the first frame and last frame to join as
- 示如何获得本机IP地址,如何生成透明窗口,如何从任务条上隐藏(How to get the machine IP address, how to generate a transparent window, how to hide from the taskbar)