- 这是一个建立模式对话框的工程。难度并不大,适合初学者。但是这个代码的特点是在Visual Studio下开发。上传这个代码的目的是想大家知道Visual Studio与VC++的基本的语法结构的区别,包括消息映射和字符串的处理。通过比较,可以使大家更好的在Visual Studio下进行编程-This is a model to establish dialog works. It is not too difficult, for beginners. However, the code fe
- 输入一组坐标后,程序可以在对话框中将该坐标对应的点画出来,如过坐标值过大,程序将自动调节映射模式-importation of a set of coordinates, the procedures in this dialog coordinates corresponding to the Midpoint, and as their coordinates excessive, procedures will be automatically adjusted mapping mode
- 笔者采用Visual C++6.0开发图形数据支持系统,其中的难点正在于理解坐标系统的含义、各种映射模式的意义以及与逻辑坐标的转换。
- VC++窗口视图缩放的源代码,其中的难点正在于理解坐标系统的含义、各种映射模式的意义以及与逻辑坐标的转换,这个小程序将逐一进行演示和注释。 -VC++ window, view the source code for scaling, in which the difficulty is on understanding the meaning of coordinate system, the significance of the various mapping models as w
- 测试绘图坐标映射模式测试,设置逻辑坐标和设备坐标之间的映射模式,使输出到电脑显示器和打印机的图形一致。-The test drawing coordinate mapping mode test, set the mapping between logical coordinates and device coordinates, so that the output to the computer display and printer graphic consistent.
- 一个win32程序设计综合案例,可用于win32SDK编程练手用,实现内容包括文本的动态显示、字体设置、对话框和输入框的使用、映射模式的变换。-An integrated case win32 programming can be used to practice hand win32SDK programming, implementing content including dynamic text display, font settings, changing the use of di
- 实现页面设置公用对话框和打印公用对话框,修改各种设置与参数。设置逻辑映射模式,绘图输出到屏幕和打印机。打印绘制多页图形和页眉与页脚-Implement the Page Setup dialog box and the Print common dialog utility, modify various settings and parameters. Set logical mapping mode, drawing to the screen and printer. Print mult