- 本文介绍了C#中如何使用System.Net.Socket来进行基于TCP协议的通信编程,该文是以读取服务器系统时间这么一个简单例子来说明的。-This paper introduces the C# System.Net.Socket how to use TCP-based communications program, the text is based on the server time to read such a simple example to explain.
Que - Linux Socket Programming By Example - fly[1]
- Linux Socket Programming by Example
- 本文附带源代码还包括了一个使用CHttpSocket实现下载功能的例子工程.注意,所有的调用都是阻塞的,所以最好为一个下载任务创建一个线程,否则会导致界面无法响应用户输入. 程序运行界面如上图,显示了请求头,回应头以及下载进度.-fringe source code is also included use of a functional CHttpSocket download the example works. Attention, all calls are blocked, it
- windows下的socket编程,例子,可以发送tcp,udp报等,适合于初学者看看,里面共有server和client的详细实现-windows under the socket programming, for example, can send tcp, udp reported, suitable for beginners look at the total inside the server and client to achieve detailed
- 基于VC的SOCKET文件传输例子,采用多线程进行文件传输,适用与局域网-VC-based file transfer SOCKET example, a multi-threaded file transfers, application and LAN
- 关于Socket编程的例子,大家参考以下-Socket Programming for example, we refer to the following
- socket编程的客户端例子,在VC6下编译通过-socket programming client example, the compiler through VC6
- socket编程服务端例子,在VC6下编译通过,和客户端配合使用-socket programming services-an example, in the VC6 compiler, and used in conjunction with a client
- socket编程服务端例子,在VC6下编译通过,采用UDP协议-socket programming services-an example, in the VC6 compiler, using UDP
- 使用它开发者可以很轻松为系统增加数据库执行日志功能。它使用十分方便,您所需要做的唯一事情就是在您系统的JDBC连接字符串前增加类似于 \"listenerconfig=/config.xml:url=\" 的字符即可,不用写任何代码。 使用 JDBMonitor,您可以把数据库执行情况记录通过各种方式记录下来,比如打印到控制台、输出到文件或者通过socket传送给远程客户端。JDBMonitor是可扩展的,您可以扩展它来将执行情况通过其他方式记录下来,您所需要做的就是写一个实现IDBList
- delphi实现的bt下载器示例程序,带全部源码和BT协议 包中文件说明: BTDemo.dpr, BTDemoF.pas, BTDemoF.dfm -- 一个简单的bt下载器,支持多个.torrent文件同时下载 btutils.pas -- 核心bt组件 DCP*.pas -- SHA算法源码(复制自DEC组件包) InetUtils.pas -- 提供Internet下载的函数库 SimpleSocks.pas -- socket组件(TCP) SortList
- 非常好的Socket多线程编程例子,可用作客户端或者服务端,可以实现TCP或者UDP通信,可以同时创建n个线程-very good example of multi-threaded programming, can be used as a client or server, can achieve a TCP or UDP communications, it will also create threads n
- 基于Socket TCP的网络文件传输例子,比较精练,简单易懂,对网络编程入门者有参考作用。-based on Socket TCP network file transfer example, more concise and easily understood. Network Programming for beginners as a useful reference.
- 《Visual c++.net网络编程》随书源码 实例1流式套接字编程 先运行服务器端可执行文件server.exe,再运行客户端可执行文件client.exe。在客户端屏幕输入字符,按回车,字符被发送至服务器端,若按两下回车,则两程序均推出。-"Visual c. Net network programming "With the example of a source book flow socket programming services first run Al
一个利用VC Socket进行文件传输的例子
- 一个利用Socket进行文件传输的例子。-use for a file transfer example.
用socket API实现加法的远程计算
- 说明的是用在客户端输入两个数字,在服务器端实现其加法运算,然后返回结果给客户端的socket例子,此例子经过本人的调试通过。欢迎大家享用。-descr iptions are used in the importation of two client figures on the server side to achieve its addition operations, then return to the findings to the client socket example, the
- 服务-客户端下载程序模型,适用于初学者学习文件下载和socket编成。-services-client download model, applicable to beginners and to study the documents downloaded into socket.
- socket关于tcp协议 及ucp协议通信的例子程序-tcp socket on the agreement after agreement and communication procedures for example
A Simple socket example
- It is a socket server. It accepts a connection from client and prints on the console a message that client writes
stock example
- Socket 网络编程示例代码!