- 我用VC++写的一个用于局域网发送消息的工具.能够将局域网内所有的计算机列出来,选择一个计算机名,就能够向其发送消息,注意:本机和对方机器的Messenger服务必须启动(系统默认是自动启动的)-I used to write to the VC for a LAN messaging tool. LAN can be all the computer list to choose a computer, and it can send messages to : the other side
- 超级消息发送机,VC++开发,利用Windows信使服务向指定计算机、指定工作组或域或当前工作组的所有计算机发送消息,可指定发送次数-super news transmitter, VC development, the use of Windows Messenger service to the designated computer, assigned to the Working Group or the domain or the current working group of al
- 一个实现SYSLOG收集的服务小程序,可以监听指定的端口(SYSLOG一般监听514端口),采用VC编译,在windows下运行。-achieve SYSLOG a collection of small service procedures, can monitor a designated port (SYSLOG general wiretapping 514 ports), the compiler used VC, running under the windows.