- active power meter for code vhdl is a pdf we can s-active power meter for code vhdl is a pdf we can see
- VHDL source code for 2416 alphanumeric display driver.It is very important source code for applications where we want to display some numeric value and characters.
- hi this vhdl code cs pring cell pone-hi this is vhdl code cs pring cell pone
- ps2 keyboard with encoding ascii code to 7-segments screeen. LIBRARY ieee USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ENTITY klawa IS PORT ( keyboard_clk, keyboard_data, clock_25MHz,
- 将此文件解压缩,会得到一个"ip"目录,将此目录放入你的项目中,就可以在sopc中import到一个叫pwm的组建了。解压缩还会得到一个C语言文件,它是与硬件配合的Nios2_C代码 -Extract this file will get an " ip" directory into this directory in your project, you can import into the sopc in the formation of a called pwm.
- 超声波流量计的部分设计程序,此部分为控制芯片ACEX1K系列的EP1K50QC208-3中的代码,采用的是VHDL语言,里面包括LCD12864的读写代码、流量的处理等-Ultrasonic flowmeter in which the design process, this part of the control chip ACEX1K series EP1K50QC208-3 in the code, using the VHDL language, which includes LCD1