- IrCOMM2k - Virtual Infrared COM Port for Windows 2000/XP。 2. FILES IN THIS ARCHIVE: - Setup.exe (setup and uninstall program) - ircomm2k.exe (service program) - ircomm2k.sys (device driver) - ircomm2k.dll (device property page) -
- 一个基于MBR的bootkit,主要功能是实现NDIS的后门技术,接受固定格式的数据包而实现主机红屏。,The eEye BootRootKit NDIS backdoor is a demonstration of boot-time Windows kernel subversion technology. The assembly source code (ebrk.asm) was written for use with MASM 6.11. It comes in pre-pac
- ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver for Windows NT/2000/XP. This driver emulates harddisk partitions, floppy drives and CD/DVD-ROM drives from disk image files, in virtual memory or by redirecting I/O requests somewhere else, possibly to another machine, t
- AR6001 WLAN Driver for SDIO installation Read Me March 26,2007 (based on k14 fw1.1) Windows CE Embedded CE 6.0 driver installation. 1. Unzip the installation file onto your system (called installation directory below) 2. Create an OS design
- ImDisk是一个相当好的磁盘驱动映像驱动。可以将以文件形式的映像,挂载成光驱,硬盘,甚至软盘。 程序演示了如可创建控制面板程序,驱动,交互用的应用程序界等。是个很好的例子。-ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver for Windows NT/2000/XP. This driver emulates harddisk partitions, floppy drives and CD/DVD-ROM drives from disk image files,
- 详细介绍了如何利用Windows Driver Model在Windows环境下编写驱动程序。-The Windows Driver Model traces its roots several years back to an OS called Windows for Workgroups 3.10. At that time we were struggling with support for the myriad of different SCSI controllers, and I
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