- TFlightJoyStick is developed as part of the Aircraft library from Diprode. The question how to use a joystick with Delphi is a regular one. This Freeware Component should provide a total solution for anyone that needs to use a Joystick. TFlightJ
- 1. 【WindowsResearchKernel-WRK1.2.rar】 应该直接使用命令行方式编译 WRK-v1.2,假设解压出来的放置在 D:\WRK-v1.2 下,并编译成x86方式,打开一个cmd: set arch=x86 [或者选择 amd64] path D:\WRK-v1.2\tools\x86 path cd D:\WRK-v1.2\base\ntos nmake -nologo x86= 约1-2分钟,编译出的内核文件在 D:\WRK