- VC2010写的数据库程序,SQL Server数据库模拟一次性入库几百万几千万条记录,主要用来看改进批量查询速度性能。受硬性的服务器内存CPU处理器还有网络带宽影响外,也可建索引,分割表减少列查询,开销服务器建服务地址索引,存储过程和查询优化等。查询速度不能还不能满足多牺牲管理开销:备份恢复删除以换取速度。注意服务器内存将耗尽时停止和重启服务释放内存。-The VC2010 write database program, SQL Server database simulation dispo
- 完整实现了CPU调度模拟算法,虽然不是很漂亮,但漂亮的同学们不上传,大家就将就看看我的吧。共同进步-Full implementation of the CPU scheduling simulation algorithm, although not very pretty, but pretty does not upload the students, we will take a look at my bar. Progress together
- FCFS算法每次从就绪队列中选择一个最先进入该队列的进程,为之分配CPU,使之运行。该进程一直运行道完成或被某事件阻塞后,才放弃CPU。本程序模拟了FCFS算法。-FCFS algorithm for each queue ready to a first cohort to enter the process, which the allocation of CPU, to make it run. Run Road, the process has been completed or o
- 设计一个程序模拟进程管理的过程,采用时间片轮转法,进程占用CPU的时间片有每个进程的优先数来确定。(约定:每个优先数对应10分钟)-design a simulation process management process using time-Web, the process of CPU time for each and every piece of the process to determine the priority number. (Agreement : each corre
- 完整实现了CPU调度模拟算法,虽然不是很漂亮,但漂亮的同学们不上传,大家就将就看看我的吧。共同进步-Full implementation of the CPU scheduling simulation algorithm, although not very pretty, but pretty does not upload the students, we will take a look at my bar. Progress together
- FCFS算法每次从就绪队列中选择一个最先进入该队列的进程,为之分配CPU,使之运行。该进程一直运行道完成或被某事件阻塞后,才放弃CPU。本程序模拟了FCFS算法。-FCFS algorithm for each queue ready to a first cohort to enter the process, which the allocation of CPU, to make it run. Run Road, the process has been completed or o
- 设计一个程序模拟进程管理的过程,采用时间片轮转法,进程占用CPU的时间片有每个进程的优先数来确定。(约定:每个优先数对应10分钟)-design a simulation process management process using time-Web, the process of CPU time for each and every piece of the process to determine the priority number. (Agreement : each corre