- 在MATLAB里,对数据进行拟合,在双对数坐标下,看数据是否符合幂律分布,求出幂指数,并绘出图形。-In MATLAB, the pairs of data fitting, in double logarithmic coordinates to see whether the data meet the power-law distribution, find the power index, and draw the graph.
- Use ADOX creat database , WM_DEVICECHANGE detect device change and compare which disk is new and use watcher to find which file and folder change. QueryCancelAutoPlay can be select by individual USB. Some font show in chinese because i write in chine
- 利用比例导引法及龙哥库塔法计算的红旗-2导弹的模拟仿真程序。-Using proportional navigation law and龙哥Kutta method to calculate the red-2 missile simulation procedures.
- 1。本程序为一个酒店管理程序,在windowsXP上获得通过。 2。文件夹jiudianguanli是数据库文件,,导入mssql数据库中,即可。 3。主要代码在guanli文件夹中。 4。此代源是一个完善的数据库应用程序,功能全。 5。本程序不得用作商业用途,,任何试途将本程序用作商业用途的单位及个人,本人将追究其法律责任。-1. This procedure is a hotel management program, adopted in windowsXP. 2. Jiu
- 设计哈希表实现电话号码查询系统。基本要求: 1、设每个记录有下列数据项:电话号码、用户名、地址; 2、从键盘输入各记录,分别以电话号码和用户名为关键字建立哈希表; 3、采用再哈希法解决冲突; 4、查找并显示给定电话号码的记录; 5、查找并显示给定用户名的记录。 -Hash table to achieve the design of telephone number inquiry system. Basic requirements: 1, for each
- 法律查询系统,用于法律的存储、查询、修改等功能-Legal discovery system for the law to store, query, modify the functions
- 本软件根据客户需求 统计分析历史彩票号码 简单预测可能号码,分按位统计出号规律与按组(多期)号码统计历史出号概率,源码中还有根据录入数据 查询历史数据中该数据 之后出现的号码提供动态设置功能已经注释 可取消注释释放出来 pb11.5+access数据库实现 内附说明文档以及数据库 -The software is based on statistical analysis of historical customer demand forecasting lottery numbers ma
- 题目:有一个已经排好序的数组。现输入一个数,要求按原来的规律将它插入数组中。 1. 程序分析:首先判断此数是否大于最后一个数,然后再考虑插入中间的数的情况,插入后 此元素之后的数,依次后移一个位置。 2.程序源代码:-Topic: have a already sorted array. Now the input a number, according to the law of the original requirements will it into an ar
- G711 defines two main compression algorithms, the µ -law algorithm (used in North America & Japan) and A-law algorithm (used in Europe and the rest of the world). The code provide codec in C files for linux-G711 defines two main compression algor
- 基于逆波兰法的计算器程序,该计算器支持小数输入和正负数输入,支持四则运算以及指数运算,也支持括号的使用。-Reverse Polish law based calculator program, the calculator supports input and negative decimal number input, support four operations and index calculation, and also supports the use of parentheses
- 概率论与数理统计中会学到 大数定律 验证其收敛速度验证大数定理收敛速度-Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics in the law of large numbers will learn to verify its convergence rate theorem of large numbers to verify the convergence rate
- 此法分析器:实现编译原理中不同语言间的此法转换-This method analyzer: the realization of the principle in a different language compiler of this inter-conversion law
- 此法分析器:实现编译原理中不同语言间的此法转换-This method analyzer: the realization of the principle in a different language compiler of this inter-conversion law